High School Literary Community Fall 2016 Participating in The Great Conversation Week Three and Week Four
Community Cohesion Housekeeping: - binder tabs (admin, reading, writing, conversation, peer review): where to organize your handouts and other work. - any housekeeping questions? Reflection Sharing: -any insights, connections or comments to share about last week’s group meeting or about homework (in general, not specific to literature discussion)? Word Collecting: - what are your favorite words or phrases this week? Feel free to write down each other’s as they’re shared! Copywork/Dictation: -From The Picture of Dorian Gray Writing: -Character Development Time Line (group activity) Conversation*: -Socratic Seminar details (see handout) Reflection: consciously wrapping-up *about book readings, short literary selections and/or TED Talks/videos
Socratic Seminar binder section: reading Handouts Socratic Seminar binder section: reading
Copywork “Words! Mere Words! How terrible they were! How clear, and vivid, and cruel! One could not escape from them. And yet what a subtle magic there was in them! They seemed to be able to give a plastic form to formless things, and to have music of their own as sweet as that of viol or of lute. Mere words! Was there anything so real as words?” Oscar Wilde The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890)
Character Development Timeline based on Emotional Timeline Example
Socratic Seminars A Literary Community Conversation Socratic Seminar Contract Socratic Statement/Question Guide Socratic Seminar Roles Socratic Personal Process Goals Socratic Seminar Assessments *see Socratic Seminar Handout
Reflection In your reader’s journal, take 10 minutes to write about your experience today. Consider*: *you do not need to write about all of these questions or any at all; you can come up with your own direction for reflection – as long as you take the time to reflect! Did you learn anything new or become aware of a new idea? If so, what specifically did you learn or become aware of? If not, were you able to expand on familiar ideas and processes? How does this process of reading differ from how you’ve read in the past? Is there place for both how you’ve read in the past and this new method? What insights did you gain from The Communication Game? How can you apply these insights to your writing? What creative juices are flowing now as a result of what you’ve experienced this morning? If you’re stuck, take 3 deep breaths and let your mind be still for a moment. What insights, connections, or innovations come up for you?
Homework Reading: The Picture of Dorian Gray For Thursday, Oct 6: chapter 8-15 For Thursday, Oct 13: chapter 16-20 Writing: For each week’s reading, complete: Annotations (at least 3 per chapter) Reader’s (Dialectical) Journal entries (at least 3 per chapter); refer to the procedure and suggestions on Dialectical Journal Handout and suggestioin on your bookmark Other: Discussion Leader only – bring 3 open-ended questions for next week’s Socratic Seminar