Bull Run Vocabulary Part II
Toby Boyce: Chapter 7: pg. 13 1. Fife: type of flute 2 Toby Boyce: Chapter 7: pg. 13 1. Fife: type of flute 2. Writhe: turn and twist Gideon Adams: Chapter 8: pg. 15 3. Resign myself: to settle for 4. Fray: fight Virgil Peavey: Chapter 9: pg. 17 5. Undertow: air or water currents that can force a person underneath something 6. Quarried: the process of rock taken and cut from the ground Nathaniel Epp: Chapter 10: pg. 19 7. Shank: part of the lower leg Shem Suggs: Chapter 11: pg. 21 8. Saber: a long, thin sword
Dietrich Herz: Chapter 12: pg. 23- No Vocab. In Ch. Dr. William Rye: Chapter 13: pg. 25 9. Bayonet: knife mounted on top of the musket used for hand-to-battles Lily Malloy: Chapter 14: pg. 27 10. Profiteers: men who sold goods at a higher rate than what they were worth Toby Boyce: Chapter 15: pg. 29- No Vocab. In Ch. James Dacy: Chapter 16: pg. 31 11. Render: create; draw 12. Pantaloons: baggy shorts 13. Foreboding: fear of what is to come
Judah Jenkins: Chapter 17: pg. 33 14 Judah Jenkins: Chapter 17: pg. 33 14. Skulked: to move cautiously and secretly General Irvin McDowell: Chapter 18: pg. 35-No Vocab. In Ch. Flora Wheelworth: Chapter 19: pg. 37 15. Pillage: destroy 16. Fretted: worried Gideon Adams: Chapter 20: pg. 39 17. Loutish: cowardly; annoying Colonel Oliver Brattle: Chapter 21: pg. 41 18. Meandering: slowly moving
Bull Run Vocabulary: Part III A.B. Tilbury: Chapter 22: pg. 43 1. Standards: flags 2. Joshing: joking Carlotta King: Chapter 23: pg. 45-No Vocab. In Ch. Nathaniel Epp: Chapter 24: pg. 47 3. Traipse: walk slowly 4. Plumed: feathered Virgil Peavey: Chapter 25: pg. 49 5. Larruped: beaten 6. Forded: crossed General Irvin McDowell: Chapter26: pg. 51- No Vocab. In Ch.
Shem Suggs: Chapter 27: pg. 53 7 Shem Suggs: Chapter 27: pg. 53 7. Jollity: fun Gideon Adams: Chapter 28: pg. 55-No Vocab. In Ch. Flora Wheelworth: Chapter 29: pg. 56-No Vocab. In Ch. Edmund Upwing: Chapter 30: pg. 57 8. Parasols: umbrellas Judah Jenkins: Chapter 31: pg. 59- No Vocab. In Ch. Dietrich Herz: Chapter 32: pg. 61- No Vocab. In Ch. Toby Boyce: Chapter 33: pg. 63-No Vocab. In Ch. James Dacy: Chapter 34: pg. 64-No Vocab. In Ch. Colonel Oliver Brattle: Chapter 35: pg. 65 – No Vocab. In Ch.
A. B. Tilbury: Chapter 36: pg. 67 - No Vocab. In Ch. Dr A.B. Tilbury: Chapter 36: pg. 67 - No Vocab. In Ch. Dr. William Rye: Chapter 37: pg. 68 9. Tourniquet: bandage placed on a wound to stop bleeding Edmund Upwing: Chapter 38: pg. 69- No Vocab. In Ch. Virgil Peavey: Chapter 39: pg. 70- No Vocab. In Ch. Dietrich Herz: Chapter 40: pg. 72 10. Millstone: a stone used to grind or crush grain Carlotta King: Chapter 41: pg. 74- No Vocab. In Ch. Gideon Adams: Chapter 42: pg. 75 11. Decoy: a person or thing who convinces someone to do something dangerous
Judah Jenkins: Chapter 43: pg. 76- No Vocab. In Ch. A. B Judah Jenkins: Chapter 43: pg. 76- No Vocab. In Ch. A.B. Tilbury: Chapter 44: pg. 77- No Vocab. In Ch. Shem Suggs: Chapter 45: pg. 79 – No Vocab. In Ch. General Irvin McDowell: Chapter 46: pg. 81 12. Flanking (flank): side Toby Boyce: Chapter 47: pg. 83 13. Chafed: irritated James Dacy: Chapter 48: pg. 84 – No Vocab. In Ch. Colonel Oliver Brattle: Chapter 49: pg. 86 14. Rout: convincing win Edmund Upwing: Chapter: 50: pg. 87 15. Caravan: group of travelers
Carlotta King: Chapter 51: pg. 89 – No Vocab. In Ch Carlotta King: Chapter 51: pg. 89 – No Vocab. In Ch. Dietrich Herz: Chapter 52: pg. 90 16. Plunderer: stealer; robber Edmund Upwing: Chapter: 50: pg. 87 17. Caravan: group of travelers Carlotta King: Chapter 51: pg. 89 – No Vocab. In Ch. Dietrich Herz: Chapter 52: pg. 90 18. Plunderer: stealer; robber Shem Suggs: Chapter 53: pg. 92 – No Vocab. In Ch. Nathaniel Epp: Chapter 54: pg. 93-No Vocab. In Ch. Dr. William Rye: Chapter 55: pg. 94 19. Pommels: horn part of a saddle
Gideon Adams: Chapter 56: pg. 95- No Vocab. In Ch Gideon Adams: Chapter 56: pg. 95- No Vocab. In Ch. Toby Boyce: Chapter 57: pg. 96 20. Griped: upset Edmund Upwing: Chapter 58: pg. 97-No Vocab. In Ch. Flora Wheelworth: Chapter 59: pg. 99 21. Settee: small couch 22. Solicitude: care; kindness Lily Malloy: Chapter 60: pg. 101- No Vocab. In Ch.