Nationalism – What is it? Identify at LEAST 5 -10 characteristics of what you think contributes to nationalism… What about Stevenson? 1. I can analyze the effects of nationalism on Europe. 2. I can articulate driving forces behind German unification. 3. I can account for why the Hapsburg Empire breaks apart and nationalist sentiments can be found in Southeastern Europe.
What is Nationalism? Belief that one’s greatest loyalty should NOT be to a king or empire, but to nation of people who share a common culture Having pride and loyalty for your country, patriotism A single nationality should UNITE under a single government
Nationalism,cont Nationalists share common bonds: Culture, religion, history, language, territory Most powerful idea of the 1800s Goes against the Congress of Vienna Upset the balance of power Caused by: Spread of democratic ideals (Enlightenment, Revolutions) Growth of the middle class (majority rule)
Nation-States Unite the people & form a nation-state Defined: political unit consisting of an independent government & a population sharing a common culture, history, & language Nation-states in Europe, 1815: France, England, Spain
Positives of Nationalism People within a nation overcoming their differences for the common good Overthrow of colonial rule Disrupts aging empires with a mixture of ethnic groups (Austrian, Russian) Creation of democratic govts Scientific & technological advancements
Negatives of Nationalism Forced assimilation of minority group Ethnic cleansing, genocide Competition between nations lead to war
Food for Thought Do you think nationalism has had a more positive or negative impact on the world? Which of the bonds used to create nation-states are found in the United States?
3 Types of Nationalist Movements Unification Mergers of politically divided but culturally similar lands Examples: Germany & Italy (1800s) Separation Culturally distinct group resists being added to a state or tries to break away Examples: Greeks in the Ottoman Empire (1830), French-speaking Canadians State Building Culturally distinct groups form into a new nation by accepting a single culture Example: United States Nationalism disrupts aging empires (have a mixture of ethnic groups, creates unrest) Austrian Empire of the Hapsburgs Russian Empire of the Romanovs Ottoman Empire of the Turks
How to Build a Nation-State Germany Examples Step 1: Territorial Unification Need to obtain your own land for your country (create national borders) Problems?? Want to create boundaries around where people spoke their language (Germany- too large of an area) Who is going to be the head of govt? REALPOLITIK – politics based on needs of the state at the time
Unification Through War Otto von Bismark Prime Minister of Prussia, with the support of its king, Wilhelm I, push for German unification Could achieve his goal through “blood & iron,” built up Prussian army – MILITARISM! Picked fights with countries as a way to secure power and unify Germany Austro-Prussian War (Austria defeated) Franco-Prussian War (France defeated)
German Unification German Confederation Conflicting Interests Group of German states (39), created by Congress of Vienna Under the control of Austria (refuses to to allow German states to unify) Conflicting Interests Revolutions of 1848, had different leadership, aims & outcomes
Not that type of Bismark!!!
German 2nd Reich After the French are defeated in the Franco-Prussian War: Unified Germans under Kaiser Wilhelm I of Prussia Established German 2nd Reich (empire) Germany will become a major industrial and military power by 1900 Form an alliance with Austria-Hungary & Italy (Triple Alliance) Sets the stage for WWI (French/German hatred)
Importance of Nationalism Powerful ideology of 1800s Shaped countries we have today Broke the Congress of Vienna Want to spread their nationality to other territories (imperialism)
Step 2: National Unity Education System Universal suffrage (voting) Educating people on German & Italian cultures (learn language) Universal suffrage (voting) Military- fight for your fellow citizens, not for an empire or king National celebrations/monuments Can nationalism work with just step 1 or step 2?
Consider – Hapsburg Monarchies and Nationalism How did the desire for national independence among ethnic groups weaken and ultimately destroy the Austrian and Ottoman Empires?
Austria Hungary Tidbits Hapsburgs rule over diverse Central and Eastern European ethnic groups Industrial ideas spread from Western Europe and challenge traditional life What are the problems with ruling a multinational empire?
Austria Hungary Tidbits Loss of War of with Prussia leads to the formation of DUAL MONARCHY! – an agreement creating: Separate states for Austria and Hungary Independence in terms of separate constitutions and governments
CREATE YOUR OWN NATION-STATE! Task: Your groups are filled with high levels of nationalist sentiment, and you have decided that within the Stevenson High School community that it has come time for the creation of a more unified Stevenson State! Together in your groups, and using the huddle boards, construct what that Stevenson Nation-State would look like? Here is what your huddle board should have: A visual of what this Stevenson state would look like. Identified examples of what the common bonds of your states are. Other identifying characteristics that make your state unique. What allows your state to be both powerful and UNITED You have 10 minutes to accomplish this assignment! You will present your states to the class afterwards.
What’s on the quiz? (jot these down maybe?) Vocabulary discussed: nationalism, unification, realpolitik, militarism, Otto von Bismark, Kaiser, Reich Common bonds Belief of nationalism, advantages and disadvantages Connections to nationalism in United States German unification (building and strengthening) Map identification Blood and iron Realist leadership (working with Church and Socialists) Austria-Hungary and nationalism (the other part of the spectrum)