Social and Psychological Effects of Climate Change By: Abdarhman Duaij Althuwaini
Introduction Climate Change is a reality Global Warming is a reality There are many implications of climate change In this presentation I would focus on two effects of climate change 1. Social 2. Psychological
Social Change What is Social Change? Change in the culture of a population, for example change in religion and education, traditions and values/norms Change in Economics, for example establishment and spread of industrial technology Change in Politics, for example different political systems
Social Effects of Climate Change Human civilization has a known history of over 6000 years Climate change forces poor people to cope with the impacts of climate change Increased drought may be caused by climate change forcing tribes to relocate in underdeveloped countries Climate change may cause limiting agricultural resource which forces people to move to cities
Who is Responsible and who is affected ? Rich nations are responsible for the production of greenhouses gases. Citizens of the rich countries demand more goods and products the production of which has environmental implications. Citizens of the poorest countries suffer the most. Natural disasters caused by climate change like floods may also effect the rich countries.
Psychological Effects Humans are trying to response to climate change. This response may be on physical or psychological level. Social effects of climate change may cause psychological issues. Limitation of food resources may cause physical and psychological issues.
Psychological Effects fear of apocalypse losses of lands and resources causing uncertainty Fear Grief Anxiety PTSD violence and aggression.
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