A Summative Evaluation is Not an Event Dynamic Formative Observations = Increased Educator Effectiveness and Informed Summative Evaluations Dr. Ellen.


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Presentation transcript:

A Summative Evaluation is Not an Event Dynamic Formative Observations = Increased Educator Effectiveness and Informed Summative Evaluations Dr. Ellen Williams, Director ObserverTab Retired Professor EDLF Brigham Young University Provo, UT Annette Brinkman, Director Teacher & Administrator, Induction and Intervention Granite School District, SLC, UT

Formative vs Summative Evaluation: A Clarification Two Minute Reflection What are the difference and similarities between formative and summative evaluations? In what ways does formative evaluation interact with and come to bear on summative evaluation? Share your thinking with a partner.

Formative Evaluation: improves the instructional performance of teachers and the leadership performance of administrators though a data-driven developmental process. The purpose of formative evaluation is to improve professional practice. It allows educators to set personal improvement goals and collect lines of evidence to determine if those goals have been met. The formative evaluation process includes: (1) self-reflecting to complete the self-assessment form, (2) determining goals related to standards, and (3) deciding lines of evidence that will best measure progress goals, (4) supervisor observations. There will be two meetings between the educator and the supervisor. One will be at the first of the year to jointly establish goals. In that first meeting, activities are listed, resources are identified, lines of evidence are selected, a time line is proposed, and a Professional Growth Plan created. The Professional Growth Plan identifies the goals and activities, resources needed, and lines of evidence. The educator and supervisor collaborate and agree on these. At least one line of evidence must be something other than participation in professional learning activities. A mid-year check up is accomplished through electronic communication. The second meeting occurs near the end of the year when progress towards those goals is reviewed.

Summative Evaluation is: using data to judge the effectiveness and quality of performance, to determine the future employment status of the educator. The purpose of summative evaluation is to determine whether standards are being met. It assembles the goals and lines of evidence developed during the formative evaluation years. Summative evaluation occurs at least every fifth year for career educators (or seventh year for educators with a level 3 license) or twice annually for provisional educators. It is designed to coincide with the educator’s licensure cycle.

The purpose of formative data is teacher growth.

A Summative Evaluation is is not an event. It is not an average A Summative Evaluation is is not an event. It is not an average. It is based on your judgment and experience with the teacher over time.

Summative Decisions A summative decision is not an average of formative observations – it is the final ending place after formative work. Good summative judgments come from multiple sources: Observational Data Conversations Student Interactions Collaboration with other teachers Etc

Don’t “judge” too soon…

Supporting Teacher Growth As a principal, To what degree do you: evaluate (effectiveness or ineffectiveness)? diagnose (determine the problem)? prescribe (assist with the problem)?

Roles of Leadership Summative Formative

Your World? SUMMATIVE formative

Or Perhaps… Summative Formative Diagnose Prescribe

Formative Evaluation Process Collect Data Assistance Data Tools Expectations Transitions Time Management Cueing Attention Prompts Proximity Signals Voice Tasking Diagnostic Data Tools Drop-In Tool Explicit Instruction Time-On-Task Diagnose Prescribe Growth Opportunities Polishers Consulting Coaching Professional Learning Book Study Identify Patterns

summative evaluation What about YOU? the boxes you are checking on a Do you have data to support the boxes you are checking on a summative evaluation form?

Summative Evaluation…

Formative Data…

Everyone else needs data!

Diagnose… Growth Promoting Time-on-Task Explicit Instruction Drop-Ins Common Core

Growth – Over Time

Determine a growth point to focus on One Teacher’s Growth Over Time Formative Determine a growth point to focus on

Determine a school’s growth point to focus on One School All Teachers Formative Determine a school’s growth point to focus on

Facts tell the story- Letting the facts tell the story takes the confrontation out of the conversation. NSDC, Summer 2008

Big Eight

Time On Task Tool

Diagnosis: Cueing Provide Assistance With Cueing

Data does not replace the need for face-to-face dialogue. A Word of Caution Data does not replace the need for face-to-face dialogue.

Complete the Summative Formative Data: Effective Instruction Time on Task Explicit Instruction Drop-Ins

over-diagnosing and under-prescribing? Ponder… Are you over-diagnosing and under-prescribing?

So… how should I spend my time? 25 drop-ins – leave keepers and polishers 4 drop-ins – conversation regarding patterns 3 observations – email them the data 1 observation - conversation

Formative Evaluation Process: Professional Growth If you want to feel safe and secure, continue to do what you have always done. If you want to grow, go to the cutting edge of our profession. Just know that when you do, there will be a temporary loss of sanity. So know when you don’t quite know what you are doing, you are probably growing! Madeline Hunter

“Quality educators are essential for the success of all students”

Brinkman-Forlini-Williams www.student-engagement.net annettebrinkma@gmail.com ellenjwilliams44@gmail.com