The Three Little Pigs
The Three Little Pigs There were three little pigs. Mummy pig said ‘this house is to small for us all.’ The three pigs move out of the house. Mummy pig buys a new house for them to live in together.
The Three Little Pigs They build three new houses. The three pigs all build the their houses out of bricks. 1 makes their house out of bricks, 1 makes it out of sticks and 1 makes it out of straw.
The Three Little Pigs They have no problem. THE END.
The Three Little Pigs The wolf comes and blows the straw and stick house down. They go to the other house so the wolf follows the other two pigs. The wolf eats them in one go.
The Three Little Pigs The big bad wolf can’t blow it down and he never comes back .
The Three Little Pigs The big bad wolf tries to blow the house down but he can’t so he went away and doesn’t come back ever again.
The Three Little Pigs The End.
The Three Little Pigs