Product Forum Session for Public Safety Software By Mike Wick and Mark Bell Tuesday, October 4th Room 140 of the Pfahl Conference Center
Products Discussion AuthorityRMS Authority Booking AuthorityCAD Authority Asset Authority Mobile Safety (MobileCAD) Matrix Authority Wants/Warrants Alarm Letters Authority Jail Status Monitor RedHawk Master Name Authority Property Authority Training
Authority CAD Discussion Flash or notify on Priority 1 calls to all dispatch stations Be able to “edit” call without re-open, esp. for record sealing Add more items in the page format area Need sound for incoming Panic alert from AMS
Thank you! We’re glad you were here and hope this session had value for you. If you have any questions, please contact us using the methods below: Presenter’s Name: Mike Wick and Mark Bell Presenter’s Phone number: 800-686-9313 Presenter’s Email: