Exploring Computer Science Unit 2 Final Project Exploring Computer Science
Set up… This project depends on the data you have been collecting about your afterschool activities. Each group member should look at their log and determine the day when they visited the most locations and what the locations were. If you did not log your afterschool activities then think back on the past couple of weeks, See if you can remember a day when you were busy afterschool. What locations did you need to go to?
Scenario Assume that for one day you need to carpool with the other members of the group in order to get to all of the locations you each identified on the day you visited the most different locations. Determine the shortest route in terms of miles and then determine the shortest route in terms of time. Are these the same? Why or why not? What other conditions might you want to consider? (Your data may give you some ideas.)
Data Use Google maps (to any other mapping site) to calculate the distances. Use your data to calculate the times (or if that data is missing Google maps will give you times)
Presentation You will present this to the class. You will need to use a map in order to calculate the distances. The data you collected has the times. Use Google maps (to any other mapping site) to calculate the distances. Use your data to calculate the times (or if that data is missing Google maps will give you times) Your presentation can be given as a poster, a PowerPoint, a video or other pre-‐approved product.
Your Presentation Must Include The names of people in your group A picture (graph) representing all the locations with all roads between them labeled with mileages and times A detailed plan of your solution A written explanation of the strategies you used to find the shortest route The solution on the graph and the total number of miles A written explanation of the strategies you used to find the least amount of time The solution on the graph and the total time Why the shortest routes are the same or why not Other conditions you might want to consider and what data gave you the idea
Rubric Area Points Detailed Plans Overall plan to solve the problem (explanation of strategies) 10 Data Journal for each group member 20 Other parts of your project: Graph labeled with locations and mileage Graph labeled with times 5 Solution labeled on graph 15 Total mileage and total time Other conditions to consider Presentation All group members participate Present all parts of the project Answer questions from audience Total 100
When is this due? Presentations will happen the last half of class on Monday/Tuesday. You have today, Friday and half of the class on Monday/Tuesday to complete the project. This is a lot of work. Don’t waste time!