EVALUATION IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR COSTA RICA María del Pilar Garrido Vice Minister of Planning and Political Economy
Legal Framework Constitution Law Executive Decrees Article 11. The Public Administration (…) must be under a results evaluation procedure and accountability National Planning Law (5525). Art. 2. Permanent and systematic evaluation of results gathered from policy and programs execution. DE-37735 National Planning System Regulation DE-35755 (SINE) strengthens montoring and evaluation Financial Management and Public Budgets. (Law 8131) Art. 4, 52, 55 y 56. The NDP must be the global framework for institutional operative plans DE-32988 8131 Law’s Regulation
Planning instrument which contributes in public value generation NDP Methodology Its formulation was based on a methodologycal design and process evaluation of former NDP 2010-2014 Core planning instrument which allows monitoring and evaluation of public interventions Is comformed by programs, projects and results from more than 100 institutions Planning instrument which contributes in public value generation
Monitoring and evaluation of NDP
Evaluation selection criteria Priority level Strategic relevance Intervention Stage of the intervention Target population characteristics Target population Geographic Area Social Development Index NDP 2015-2018 Budgetary allocation Budget relative percentage
Goals Strengthen the evaluation role for decision-making in Costa Rican public sector Define and agree the roles of the several stakeholders in evaluation processes, ensuring their participation along policy formulation and implementation.
Structure organization for ENP the design MIDEPLAN Institutional team FOCEVAL Logistic and Technical Support Monitoring and Evaluation Department Structural Committee
Challenges: Bind evaluation recommendations with institutional budget Implement evaluation findings and recommendations Strengthen technical skills of national evaluators Deeper evaluation scope (products and impacts) Promote evaluation culture within projets and programs lifecycle Strenghten the NES and institutional consolidation
Sustainability Perspectives for Evaluation in Costa Rica Florita Azofeifa Monge, Director Monitoring and Evaluation Area Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy
Monitoring and Evaluation Area II. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK: - National Evaluation System (NES) The Central State Administration (Ministries) The Autonomous and Semiautonomous Entities Public enterprises Non-State Public Entities, when they administer public resources MIDEPLAN Monitoring and Evaluation Area
II. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK: National Platform Public Sector Academy NGO
National Evaluation Policy (NEP) is under construction : next steps… III. INSTRUMENTS National Evaluation Policy (NEP) is under construction : next steps… Construction of the Action Plan (NEP): from October 2017 to Febrery 2018 NEP Officialization through presidential directive: March 2018. Government Transition Process 2018-2022: Current authorities present to future authorities the NEP: March- April 2018.
National Evaluation Agenda (NEA) III. INSTRUMENTS National Evaluation Agenda (NEA) SECTOR PROGRAM Work and Social Security 1. Youth training programmes 2. National Employment Program 3. National Medium and Small Business Program Human Development and Social Inclusion 4. Benefit Program Alter. of Care for Children (Care Network) 5. Conditional Cash Transfers Program Agricultural and Rural Development 6. Institutional Supply Program Citizen Security and Justice 7. Construction, Equipment and Development Project: Curricular Management of National Police School Health, Nutrition and Sports 8. Child Care and Nutrition Centers 9. National Program for Protection and Recovery of the Human Environment
National Evaluation Agenda (NEA) III. INSTRUMENTS National Evaluation Agenda (NEA) SECTOR PROGRAM Environment, Energy, Seas and Land Use Planning 10. Program for Water Supply to Guanacaste Culture and Youth 11. Program of Entrepreneurship and Cultural SMEs Transportation and Infrastructure 12. Road Works Program: Cañas – Liberia Project Science, Technology and Telecommunications 13. Smart Community Centers Program (CECI) 2.0 Economy, Industry, Commerce and Tourism 14. Program Strengthening of SMEs (Women Entrepreneurship) 15. Program for the Strengthening of SMEs (Labor Production) Entry to the NEA 16. Program Strategy Bridge to Development (Poverty) 17. Liberty Park Program 18. Gender Equality and Equity Policy
Implementation and Monitoring to the Action Plan NEA: Use of Evaluations Recommendations Management Response Action Plan Implementation and Monitoring to the Action Plan
III. INSTRUMENTS: Manual of Evaluation and Technical Guides
Monitoring and Evaluation Area fazofeifa@mideplan.go.cr