Healthy Polish Dishes The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which.


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Presentation transcript:

Healthy Polish Dishes The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

You Are What You Eat More and more people realise that they are what they eat. They try to lead the healthy lifestyle doing sports and eating healthy food. Their diets are full of vegetables, fruit and low fat products. People in Poland are also aware of the importantce of a healthy lifestyle. Polish cuisine has not got the opinion of being particularly healthy Our meals are often quite fatty, fried or rich in heavy sauces. However, we have also dishes in which you can find fresh vegetables, a lot of fruit, mushrooms, spice and high quality meat.

Pickles One of the healthiest typically Polish dishes are pickles. Pickled vegetables are a source of lactic acid - formed during fermentation. It detoxicates the body, strengthens the immune system, protecting us from disease, regulates gut bacteria and improves digestion and absorption nutritional elements, reduces the level of cholesterol, plays an important role in synthesizing vitamin K and some of the group B. Pickles are rich in B1,B2, B3 C, A, E, K vitamins as well as in magnesium, calcium, phosphorous and potassium.

Pickled Beetroots Ingredients: 1 kg beetroots 3 cloves garlic 1 peppercorn 3 glasses minetal water 1 tablespoon salt

Pickled Beetroots How to make it: wash and peel the beetroots slice them or cut into thick cubes put them into the jar, add garlic and peppercorns and pour water with salt until all the beetroots are under the surface cover the jar with gauze and put it into a warm place for about a week stir with a WOODEN spoon every day White coating on the surface does not mean that the dish is spoiled. You can remove it before use. You can use the whole to make a delicious soup, or you can use the beets as an ingredient of a salad and the liquid (stored in the fridge) is a tasty and healthy drink. It is best to drink 1 glass a day.

Pickled Cucumber Pickled Cucumber is very healthy, and contains a lot of vitamins, especially vitamin B1, B2 and B3. This vitamins are making our skin and nails better.

Pickled Cucumber Ingredients: Cucumbers 2kg Water 1l Salt 10g 2 heads of Garlic 2 horseradish root Flowering dill (best if used dried flower and stems)

Pickled Cucumber How to make it: wash cucumbers and jar on the bottom of the jar put 3 clove of garlic and cucumbers cut horseradish in small pieces, put about 3 pieces of horseradish to every jar, put the dill to the top when water is boiling add salt, pour salty water to jar and put it to some cold place You may be able to taste them in five to seven days, depending on how warm your room is, or it could take up to 2.5 weeks. Just check daily and eat when you find it best.  In Poland it is usually eaten as a part of the main course. The liquid from the jar can be drunk too.

Sauerkraut  Sauerkraut is very healthy food. It contains a lot of vitamin C, K, A, and E Sauerkraut also helps our immune system.

Sauerkraut Ingredients: 2kg Cabbage 2 apples 40g Salt 3 carrots Cumin

Sauerkraut How to make it: mix the cabbage with salt and wait for about 1 hour add grated carrot, chopped apples and cumin mix everything and put it into a jar Put a jar into some hot place for 5 days press cabbage in the jar everyday after 3 days sauerkraut is good to eat It is eaten with the main course as a salad. The juice is a healthy drink.

Are you tired of the sour flavour?

How about a smoothie?

Let’s make this healthy snack What do you need? 1 plain skimmed yogurt 1 banana ½ c orange juice 6 frozen strawberries Mix the yogurt, banana, juice, and strawberries for 20 seconds. Scrape down the sides of the bowl and blend for additional 15 seconds.

The healthy lifestyle means also doing sports so more and more people in Poland run or walk every day. You can see a lot of younger and older people who take care of themselves and their health. If you want to be fashionable, join them. Don’t be a part of the generation of couch potatoes.

Thank you for your attention Students: Zuzanna Kowalczyk Jakub Krajewski Teacher: Grzegorz Miklaszewski
