PRE-BID MEETING ITB UNDP Design and Construction of a new medical warehouse in Bissau, Guinea Bissau 15th August 2017 Presented by Antoine Fadoul UNDP-


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Presentation transcript:

PRE-BID MEETING ITB UNDP Design and Construction of a new medical warehouse in Bissau, Guinea Bissau 15th August 2017 Presented by Antoine Fadoul UNDP- Guinea Bissau

1.0 Project description and scope of work 2.0 Procurement Issues AGENDA 1.0 Project description and scope of work 2.0 Procurement Issues 2.1 Main bid requirements 2.2 Bid Amendments/ clarifications 2.3 Evaluation /award criteria 2.4 UNDP Contract modality/ delivery method 2.5 Alternative bids

4.0 Question and Answer session Agenda……/2 3.0 Technical issues 3.1 Design and Build Contract 3.2 Value engineering 3.3 Professional indemnity 3.4 Design Approval processes 3.5 Payment modalities 4.0 Question and Answer session

1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE OF WORKS 1.1 Project Description The proposed project, “The Design and Construction of new medical warehouse for Guinea Bissau” entail the detailed development of the concept designs, the approval of the designs and then construction of a warehouse approximately 1,219m2 in floor area, a mezzanine office floor of about 280m2; together with associated external works comprising of fencing and gates, guard house, car park and paving. Also included is mechanical and electrical installations. 1.2 Scope of Works The Scope of Works includes the Design and Construction (Build) of a new medical warehouse in Bissau, Guinea Bissau, to the specified quality standards, within the agreed cost and timelines and a warehouse being able to meet the functional requirements of PSM Guinea Bissau.

The design scope include further development of the concept drawings, producing detailed Construction Drawings and finally ‘As built’ Drawings ( Architectural, Structural/ Civil and Mechanical and Electrical drawings. All these have to be approved by Public Works before construction can commence. The construction scope includes site clearance, the construction of the main warehouse building including offices at the mezzanine level as per specification. This includes extensive mechanical and electrical works for the warehouse. External works includes fencing and gates, guard house, car park and paved area, staff rest areas, hazard area and external storm and soil drainage and external electrical reticulation.

2.0 PROCUREMENT ISSUES 2.1 Main bid requirements Bidders must comply with all minimum requirements as spelt out in Data Sheet No. 4. Even before this the bidder must have submitted bids in time and in the manner required. 2.2 Bid Amendments and clarifications Bid amendments and clarifications are posted to all prospective bidders on the UNDP procurement website and all bidders should constantly be on the look out for such amendments. So far two amendments have been made.

2. 3 Evaluation / award criteria This is spelt out in the ITB document 2.3 Evaluation / award criteria This is spelt out in the ITB document. For purposes of evaluation, the current quantities in the Bills of Quantities will be maintained but during post tender negotiations, there may be need to look at areas where the quantities are far too less, or too high. The award criteria is based on the lowest priced technically compliant bid. However if a bidder can demonstrate and provide detailed value engineering proposals that offers the client value for money then it my be considered.

2.4 Contract modality/ delivery method UNDP’s General Conditions of Contract will be used in the delivery of this contract if awarded to any of the bidders. 2.5 Alternative bids As a rule these are not accepted but the ITB specifies certain conditions for alternative bids ( e.g in cases of value engineering proposals). The reason is that there is need to show fairness in competition

3.0 TECHNICAL ISSUES 3.1 Design and Build Contract – This tender is strictly speaking not based on a pure design and build concept which is based on the client requesting for a qualification from prospective bidders and where bids are analyzed under fair competition using a certain weighting criteria. In this case UNDP is using a variant of the Design and Build concept called bridging where the owner develops a preliminary project design concept at level of 30-50 percent and which designs are further developed after the award of tender. Bidders are allowed to price for consultants to further develop the designs.

3.2 Value Engineering – This focuses on providing solutions at the lowest cost without compromising on functionality. It is the norm in many engineering projects. UNDP would welcome value engineering proposals as long as it meets the following criteria: - Environmentally sustainable - Does not materially affect the original concept - Does not reduce quality of the final product - Promotes efficient use of the facility

3.3 Professional Indemnity and Guarantee – It should be pointed out to the bidders that the Special Conditions section provides that contractors shall indemnify the client ( UNDP) for design defaults by way of a Maintenance Guarantee in an amount equal to (5%) of the Contract Price to be valid until the end of the Warranty / Defects Liability Period; as specified in the special terms and conditions of contract. In addition the contractor is liable to have in place Professional Liability insurance to the value of 300% of the contract bid value from the date of contract award. 3.4 Design approval process – Designs will be approved by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing as the custodians of government projects. An elaborate approval process is included in the Special Conditions in the ITB. Suffice to note that the winning bid will need to mobilize the design team as fast as possible as the detailed design process is part of the contract period.

3.5 Payment modalities – Milestone payments at specific intervals and upon completion of certain deliverables. The main aim of UNDP will be to improve the winning bidders cash flow during the contract. Note: UNDP will not offer facilities for direct payments for foreign suppliers of materials for the contractor. VAT should be included in the bid price where appropriate.

4.0 QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION Questions are welcome