ECA from theory to practice and from Luxembourg to Berlin Silvio Sagramola, Berlin 8.11.2013
Presentation Info-Handicap Info-Handicap and ECA About harmonized standards, strategies and motivations From theory to practice ECA 2013
Info-Handicap Created in 1993 on the initiative of the Luxembourgish Government for a better coordination of national disability policies Legal format: non-profit organisation contracted by the Ministry for Family and Integration to run a: National Disability Information and Meeting Centre. (53 member organisations of/for persons with disabilities. Activities: Information and guidance, awareness raising and training, concert action and cooperation at national and European levels.
Info-Handicap and ECA No accessibility legislation in Luxembourg in 1993 Looking for good practice in Europe, facilitated through the EU HELIOS I and II programs. First contact with ECA in 1995, coordination since 1999 Influence on the Luxembourgish accessibility legislation voted in 2001
About harmonized standards, strategies and motivations Focus on the “technical norms” for accessibility in 1990 with the European Manual Focus on the “correct strategic approach” to accessibility of the built environment in 1996 with the European Concept for Accessibility. (for specialists) Focus on the “correct organisational approach” to Design for All in 2003 with the “Technical Assistance Manual”. (for stakeholders) Looking for guidance and success factors for the concrete implementation of Design for All in 2008 with the “ECA for Administrations”
From theory to practice Non-discrimination in European Treaties 2003 European Year of People with Disabilities: “nothing about us, without us!” 2006 UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities: “involvement of p.d.!” Disability based accessibility consultation! Good intentions are not enough! … therefore ECA 2013
Let’s make more out of good intentions! ECA 2013 legal framework: theoretical and conceptual framework: Decision makers interest: Decision makers commitment: Knowledge: Let’s make more out of good intentions!
Well done and thank you Berlin!