GLOBAL STUDY on CHILD POVERTY AND DISPARITIES Case of Djibouti (Ministry of Women Promotion and Social Affairs and UNICEF) Presented by Georges GONZALES, Deputy Rep, UNICEF Djibouti and prepared with the three consultants Dr Souraya Hussein, Head of Economics Faculty, University of Djibouti Mr Elmi Awaleh, specialist in Nutrition (former UNDP SM) Pr. Olivier Belbeoch, statistician-demographer, University of Paris 5
Process followed Internalization of the process (ToR) Positioning the Study in 2008 AWP Analysis of individual and institutions competencies Resource Mobilization done progressively Establishment of a steering ad-hoc committee
Progress (achievements and challenges) Steering committee (since February 2008): 3 meetings, large participation of ministries & partners very interesting discussions participation in the selection of national consultants Statistical analysis (since March 2008) : About 70% of the templates were filled; a lot of missing data; Some incoherence; crossing of data is difficult ; Some indicators not adapted to the national context ; International comparisons difficult but analysis of national trends possible.
Progress (continued) Policy & programme analysis (since mid-April 2008) : Data collection on laws, policies and programme on going for the 5 sectors Problem to have budget information Lack of mixed analysis between statistics information on children situation and policies and programmes
Perspectives Continuation : Adapt the templates to the local context as much as possible Give more time for exchange between the 2 teams Build capacity of nationals to make their own analysis in order to gain ownership : $$ ?
Perspectives Utilization of the findings of the study : Influencing the finalization of the National Initiative for Social Development in putting children at the center; Providing evidence for the development of a social protection policy and programs Orienting the development of other social policies and programmes