Review Nine men and nine women are tested for their memory of a list of abstract nouns. The mean scores are Mmale = 15 and Mfemale = 17. The mean square.


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Presentation transcript:

Review Nine men and nine women are tested for their memory of a list of abstract nouns. The mean scores are Mmale = 15 and Mfemale = 17. The mean square based on both samples is MS = 25. What is your best estimate of the (non-standardized) effect size, µfemale – µmale? 0.40 1.33 2.00 18.0

Review Nine men and nine women are tested for their memory of a list of abstract nouns. The mean scores are Mmale = 15 and Mfemale = 17. The mean square based on both samples is MS = 25. Calculate the standardized effect size. 0.08 0.10 0.40 0.49

Review A sample of 16 subjects has a mean of 53 and a sample variance of 9. Calculate a 95% confidence interval for the population mean. The critical value for t (at 97.5% with 15 df) is 2.13. [51.40, 54.60] [48.21, 57.79] [51.80, 54.20] [50.16, 55.84]

Three Views of Hypothesis Testing 10/22

What are we doing? In science, we run lots of experiments In some cases, there's an "effect”; in others there's not Some manipulations have an impact; some don't Some drugs work; some don't Goal: Tell these situations apart, using the sample data If there is an effect, reject the null hypothesis If there’s no effect, retain the null hypothesis Challenge Sample is imperfect reflection of population, so we will make mistakes How to minimize those mistakes?

Analogy: Prosecution Think of cases where there is an effect as "guilty” No effect: "innocent" experiments Scientists are prosecutors We want to prove guilt Hope we can reject null hypothesis Can't be overzealous Minimize convicting innocent people Can only reject null if we have enough evidence How much evidence to require to convict someone? Tradeoff Low standard: Too many innocent people get convicted (Type I Error) High standard: Too many guilty people get off (Type II Error)

Binomial Test Example: Halloween candy Sack holds boxes of raisins and boxes of jellybeans Each kid blindly grabs 10 boxes Some kids cheat by peeking Want to make cheaters forfeit candy How many jellybeans before we call kid a cheater?

Binomial Test ? How many jellybeans before we call kid a cheater? Work out probabilities for honest kids Binomial distribution Don’t know distribution of cheaters Make a rule so only 5% of honest kids lose their candy For each individual above cutoff Don’t know for sure they cheated Only know that if they were honest, chance would have been less than 5% that they’d have so many jellybeans Therefore, our rule catches as many cheaters as possible while limiting Type I errors (false convictions) to 5% Honest Cheaters ? Jellybeans 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Testing the Mean ? Example: IQs at various universities Some schools have average IQs (mean = 100) Some schools are above average Want to decide based on n students at each school Need a cutoff for the sample mean Find distribution of sample means for Average schools Set cutoff so that only 5% of Average schools will be mistaken as Smart 100 Average Smart ? p(M)

Unknown Variance: t-test Want to know whether population mean equals m0 H0: m = m0 H1: m ≠ m0 Don’t know population variance Don’t know distribution of M under H0 Don’t know Type I error rate for any cutoff Use sample variance to estimate standard error of M Divide M – m0 by standard error to get t We know distribution of t exactly p(t) Distribution of t when H0 is True m0 p(M) Critical value Critical Region a

Two-tailed Tests H0 H1 ? Often we want to catch effects on either side Split Type I Errors into two critical regions Each must have probability a/2 H0 H1 ? Test statistic Critical value a/2

An Alternative View: p-values Probability of a value equal to or more extreme than what you actually got Measure of how consistent data are with H0 p >  t is within tcrit Retain null hypothesis p <  t is beyond tcrit Reject null hypothesis; accept alternative hypothesis tcrit for a = .05 p = .03 t t t = 2.57

Three Views of Inferential Statistics Confidence interval M Effect size & confidence interval Values of m0 that don’t lead to rejecting H0 Test statistic & critical value Measure of consistency with H0 p-value & a Type I error rate Can answer hypothesis test at any level Result predicted by H0 vs. confidence interval Test statistic vs. critical value p vs.  m0 m0 m0 m0 Test statistic Critical value 1 a p

Review Which of the following would lead you to reject the null hypothesis? t < tcrit p < a M outside the confidence interval t > a p > tcrit

Review In a paired-samples experiment, you get a confidence interval of [-2.4, 3.6] for µdiff. What is your conclusion? t < tcrit, p > a, and you keep the null hypothesis t < tcrit, p < a, and you reject the null hypothesis t > tcrit, p > a, and you reject the null hypothesis t > tcrit, p < a, and you keep the null hypothesis

Review In a one-tailed t-test, you get a result of t = 2.8. The critical value is tcrit = 2.02. What region(s) correspond to alpha? Blue Blue + red Blue + green Blue + red + orange + green t (from data) tcrit