Boulder Food Rescue Allison Blakeney The Food We Waste Boulder Food Rescue Allison Blakeney Twitter Handle: bfr_tweets
A Place At The Table Think about questions from the Video clip. Write them on the board after showing the video. Turn them all into statements. Address the statements/questions
Some folks have access to more nutritional food… WHY?!?! Privilege! Equity: Fairness or justice in the way people are treated. Food Equity! Institutional Racism: Oppression based on race perpetuated by larger systems. Some folks have access to more nutritional food… WHY?!?! Many people are affected by hunger due to many circumstances. Some may have homes, go to school, and live a life that seems to be unaffected by hunger. Privilege (at end)- Many folks do not have access to this food because they belong to one or more oppressed groups and do not have the privilege of eating healthy and nutritious food. Furthermore, having the knowledge to cook certain foods is also a privilege. NO SHAMING! Hunger exists due to systematic injustices for example: fast food restaurants disproportionally target black/latino populations with ads. Structural Racism
Child-Directed Marketing (CDM) “...chains that advertised in black neighborhoods were more than 60% more likely to target children than those in White neighborhoods.” CDM inside and on the exterior of fast food restaurants is prevalent in chain restaurants; majority black communities, rural areas, and middle-income communities are disproportionately exposed. The fast food industry should limit children’s exposure to marketing that promotes unhealthy food choices. They collected data from 6,716 fast food restaurants located in a nationally representative sample of public middle- and high-school enrollment areas in 2010, 2011, and 2012. CDM was defined as the presence of one or more of seven components inside or on the exterior of the restaurant. Analyses were conducted in 2014. Link is to the abstract, not the full text.
More than 50 million people in this country are hungry. 1 in 6 people is food insecure. 18,000 people in Boulder, CO live below the poverty line. 14% of children were living in poverty as of 2011 in Boulder, CO. 35% of Latino kids in Boulder, CO live in poverty as of 2011. * Community Foundations Trend Report of 2013:
“Getting food from the farm to our fork eats up 10% of the total U. S “Getting food from the farm to our fork eats up 10% of the total U.S. energy budget…”
“...uses 50% of U.S. land…”
“...and swallows 80% of all freshwater consumed in the United States.”* *National Resources Defense Council
And more than 40% of this food being produced is going to waste. This is waste that happens anywhere in the process from Farm to Table.
Boulder Food Rescue!
We have rescued over 640,000 lbs of food to date!
88% Bike Powered!
Over 150 Active Volunteers!
12 pick ups a day, every day of the week, over 25 donors and 40 recipient organizations Talk about becoming a National organization! (Oberlin, Jackson Hole, Seattle, Denver, Colorado Springs)
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Contact Us! 720.445.5BFR (237)