Learning the Careers in Agriculture
What is a career? A_______ pursuit; a profession or occupation. A career is a life-work chosen by a person to use ___________, provide some _________ ______, earn _____, and _________________ Careers are those the particular occupation for which you are _____________
What are the seven agriculture career pathways? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Food Products and Processing Systems The careers in this area deal with:
Career Examples in the Food Products and Processing Systems Agricultural Sales _______________________ Biochemists-Nutritionists-Dieticians _________________________ Food Meal Supervisors Cheese Makers ____________________ Bacteriologists _________________ Food Processors
Plant Systems deal with jobs related to: Plant Systems Pathway Plant Systems deal with jobs related to:
Career Examples in the Plant Systems Pathway Bioinformatics Specialists _________________ Commodity Marketing Specialists ______________________ Forest Geneticists _________________________ Greenhouse Growers
Animal Systems Pathway Careers in this pathway work with
Career Examples in the Animal Systems Pathway Livestock Producers _____________________ Pet Shop Operators _______________________ Wildlife Biologists ______________________
Power, Structure and Technical Systems Pathway Careers in this area deal with:
Career Examples in the Power Structural and Technical Systems Pathway Machine Operators ____________________ Heavy Equipment Maintenance Technicians Software Developers and Programmers ___________________ Machinists
Natural Resource Systems Careers in this area deal with:
Career Examples in the Natural Resources Systems Cartographers ____________________ Mining Technicians ________________ Fish Hatchery Manager Range Scientists
Environmental Systems Pathway Careers in this pathway deal with:
Career examples in the Environmental Service Systems Pollution Prevention and Control Managers ________________________________________ Health and Safety Sanitarians Hazardous Materials Handlers __________________________________ Toxicologists ________________________________
Agribusiness Systems Pathway Careers in this area deal with:
Examples of Careers in the Agribusiness Systems Pathway Salesperson ____________________ Banker/Loan Officer Field Representative for Insurance Company or Government Program _________________ Farmer /Rancher/Feedlot Operator _______________ Animal Health Products Distributor _________________________ Produce Commission Agent __________________________
Problem Solving and _________________ What knowledge and skills are necessary to be successful in the Agriculture Pathway? Academic _______________ _______________ Problem Solving and _________________ ______________ Technology Systems Knowledge of ________, Health & Environment __________ and _____________ Skills Ethics and ____________ Responsibilities ____________ and Career Development _________________________