Karen Savant- Manager Westminster Hot Spot team Data collection and its challenges to front line rough sleeper services Karen Savant- Manager Westminster Hot Spot team
Where, when and why? 2
2016-2017 Most recent pull of CHAIN data around trafficking Trafficking victim No. Known 9 Suspected 20 No 1064 Not known 84 Not recorded 6931 Total 8108
TRI-BOROUGH OUTREACH ANTI-TRAFFICKING PROTOCOL Rough sleeper potential victim of trafficking Go through the indicators (see p2 ”Indicators”) (Use Language line if necessary/available) If you think that someone is in immediate danger call 999 CHILD If you think that the potential victim is under 18: inform social services and contact the police ( 999/101) ADULT Rough Sleeper accepted NSNO . Arrange to be transported to the relevant Hub You can also contact NSPCC Child Trafficking Advice Centre 0800 107 7057 ADULT Rough Sleeper (RS) Refuses NSNO/NSNO full Check the Suspected Trafficking Victim option when creating the First Contact Form on CHAIN and inform the NSNO Hub about your suspicions RS agrees to be referred to NRM: 1. Call Salvation Army (SA) 24h Referral Helpline on 0300 3038151 Mention indicators (see p2 ”Indicators”) RS refuses to be referred to NRM: Offer emergency bed in your borough if available for respite and further engagement If RS refuses any support: -Safeguarding referral appropriate? ( e.g. concerns about age, pregnancy, etc.)Take relevant details and discuss with your manager -Have you witnessed anything suspicious? Call 101/fill in “incident report” and contact your police liaison officer If SA cannot accommodate or not available: Refer to a emergency bed in your borough if available 1. Support victim to get advice (see p3 “Advice for potential victims”) 2. Encourage victim to report/inform the police If RS is scared of going back to home country: to refer to emergency bed and get Immigration advice before referring to NRM Next day: Duty worker to follow up with SA and arrange them to assess/ pick up the potential victim Refuses to be referred to NRM: RS accepts to be referred to NRM: To contact Salvation Army Not accepted onto the National Referral Mechanism: Assess according to the your borough’s outreach protocol Accepted onto the National Referral Mechanism: On CHAIN create - referred to First Respondent of NRM For female RS: try to refer to Bakhita House bakhitahouse@rcdow.org.uk Assess according to the your borough’s outreach protocol
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