Chairman of the Board Dace Jurka
Association of Latvian Cultural Centers Activities of ALCC: Methodical management, information exchange, counseling Further education and professional development International cooperation and exchange of experience Participation in the development and implementation of the sector's cultural policy
Participation in the development and implementation of the sector's cultural policy Draft law "About Cultural Centers" have been made within the framework of the working group of the National Center for Culture of Latvia, in cooperation with the Board of ALCC and lawyers Guntu Laizani, (2016) Within the framework of the Latvian National Culture Center working group, proposals have been developed in the Profession Classification (2016) Draft law "About Cultural Centers" submitted to the Saeima (2017)
Participation in the development and implementation of the sector's cultural policy Participation in the Latvian National Culture Council Participation in the Song and Dance Festival Council and artistic council Participation in the working group on the draft law "On Intangible Cultural Heritage" Participation in the work of the LNKC Working Group on the Development of Local Government Culture Centers
International cooperation and exchange of experience In cooperation with the European Cultural Center, the Culture Projects Fair "The Roots of Modern Society: The Role of Cultural Centers" was organized in Riga The event was attended by representatives from 15 European countries
International cooperation and exchange of experience In cooperation with the Latvian National Cultural Center, the Lithuanian Association of Cultural Centers, the Association of Estonian Cultural Centers and the Estonian Ministry of Culture and with the support of the SCCF, the Baltic Cultural Center and Local Culture Experts Forum was organized (2016) More than hundred representatives from Latvija, Estonia, Lithuania and Belgium participated in the forum
International cooperation and exchange of experience Cooperation with the Lithuanian People's Cultural Center, the Association of Lithuanian Cultural Centers, the Estonian Folk Culture Center, the Estonian Association of Cultural Centers, as well as the representatives of the Ministry of Culture of Estonia have been launched. Regular cooperation with the European Association of Cultural Centers (ENCC) since 2014, as well as participation in the Association of Danish Cultural Centers project ‘’RECCORD’’ and the ENCC Forum in Europe.
International cooperation and exchange of experience The LCWA as a partner organization on October 1, 2017 launched the European Union program "Erasmus +" in a two-year project: InVent - Partnership to develop VET educators in event management with learner- centred approach
International cooperation, exchange of experience, cultural policy, methodical management Participation in the book "Vital Village project" (publisher - University of Hildesheim in cooperation with ENCC) - 2017: Ditas Pfeiferes article "Cultural policy for rural development"
Methodical management, information exchange, counseling Regular consultations and regular cooperation of the Board of the LCWA with local government cultural specialists are ensured The professional development project "Spring School" and "Autumn School" are regularly implemented in the center of Mazsalaca Cultural Region for cultural center managers and organizers of cultural work in local governments.
PROJECTS A draft has been prepared and submitted to the EU Interreg program, supported in Round 1, has not received support in Round 2, will be submitted again. (2017) Projects submitted and supported by SCCF: Ensuring the operation of the LCWA in 2015, 2016, 2017 ENCC Cultural Center Fair in Riga (2015) Baltic States Cultural Center Experts Forum (2016) Cultural Center Forum at the VEF Culture Palace on December 4, 2017
Cultural Center Forum 2017 On December 4, 2017, in the renovated Vef Cultural Palace in Riga- the forum "The role of cultural centers in regional development" Everyone is welcome!
Thank you for your attention!