Expanded Assistive Technology (AT) Services in Maine MADSEC Fall Conference November 2017
Good Morning!!! Kathy Adams OTL, ATP Maine CITE, Director kadams@mainecite.org John Brandt MS Maine CITE, Training Coordinator jbrandt@mainecite.org
Objectives of this session Review and Define AT How AT can be essential in achieving learning, living, working, safety, productivity & independence During Transition … At college, home & work AT and AEM on the revised 2017 IEP
More objectives …… Review AT services/providers in ME Maine AT Demo & Loan Programs Visit the New on line AT Resource!!! at4maine.org Using the new site and Finding AT to borrow
Laws that Support AT Rehab Act of 1973/Section 504 IDEA, amended in 2004 AT Act of 1989, amended in 2004 Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) Employment First Maine
Maine CITE Maine’s State AT Act Program Created/funded thru Federal AT Act Promotes AT through information, education, technical assistance, services Collaborate with many Maine AT providers, organizations, and policy makers Visit mainecite.org Webinars (e-register) - AT App lists Funding info - AT Providers
Visit our Web AT Resources mainecite.org maine-aem.org getatstuff.com at4maine.org
The Mission of Maine CITE To improve access & acquisition of AT by people of all ages, all disabilities, in: Education Employment Community Living Information Tech & Telecommunications
What is AT?? Assistive ~ adaptive ~ (re)habilitative devices An AT Device is any item, system, piece of equipment, or product-- commercial or customized--that will impact the functional capabilities of a person with a disability AT Services help a person learn about their AT options and decide if the AT will benefit them Document the need for AT on the IEP
What is AEM? Accessible Educational Materials AEM is for students with print disabilities - ”related to blindness, visual impairment, specific learning disability or other physical condition in which the student needs an alternative or specialized format in order to access and gain information from conventional printed materials.” maine-aem.org is the Maine AEM Resource site Check out the many informative webinars!! AEM for School Based Therapists
AEM Document the need for AEM on the IEP maine.gov/doe/specialed/forms/index.html Specialized formats to access curricular content Digital text -Large print Audio -Braille
Technology is Universal in Our Lives Using AT can maintain, increase, maximize --- learning, safety, function, mobility, success, self determination, productivity, independence, participation, social connections, transition and inclusion …
AT Services include…. AT Assessment Device Demonstrations - learn how AT works Device Loans – borrow, “try before you buy” AT Reuse/Recycling Alternative Financing – cash loans $$$ Information & Assistance Training, workshops, webinars & in-services
mainecite.org/training Driver Assessments AAC for People with BI AT: Empowering People to Live at Home AEM for School Based Therapists AT to Support Independent Living Adapted Telephone/telecommunications Smart Home –Remote Monitoring AT Resources for Case Managers AT for Managing Medications AT for High School Transition
AT Reuse & Exchange Visit www.getATstuff.com Buy, Sell, Donate used AT/equipment AT Reuse program @ Spurwink ALLTECH Opening In Portland, soon!!
AT Providers Spurwink ALLTECH AT assessment/Trg, Demo, Loan, Reuse Bureau of Rehabilitation IL, Education, Work Call them to the IEP team early!!! Alpha One IL, AT, Driving, mPower Loans IRIS Network AT for Employment Mainely Access AT Assessment/Trg AgrAbility Maine AT for Farming Disability Rights Maine TEP & Deaf/Blind AT Pine Tree Society AT/Communication
AT Providers C.A.R.E.S. AT demo & loan mPower Loan Program $$$$ to buy AT Maine Center for Integrated Rehab AT Services Maine AT Solutions AT consults Gallant Therapy Services OT services AT Practitioners (ATPs) RESNA certified Occupational Therapists Speech Therapists Physical Therapists Manufacturers/vendors
Types of AT Vision Hearing Speech/communication Learning, Cognition, Developmental Mobility, seating, positioning Daily Living Environmental adaptations @ home & work Vehicle Mods & transportation Computers & related tech Recreation & Leisure
Standing Power Chairs
Maines AT Demo & Loan Providers Maine CITE supports these organizations to provide AT Demo & Loan services: Each of them has an AT Device Inventory Pine Tree Society ALLTECH-Spurwink CARES Inc UM Farmington – Spenciner Center/Library
at4maine.org This is our new site! It merges all 4 of the AT Inventories into one site for the public, families, educators, therapists, consumers, caregivers ….. How to Search How to Create an Account How to contact the AT Program
Search the Site by these….. Vision Hearing Speech/communication Learning, Cognition, Developmental Mobility, seating, positioning Daily Living Environmental adaptations @ home & work Vehicle Mods & transportation Computers & related tech Recreation & Leisure
Using AT in Maine Schools What AT are your students using? What AT is important for Transition? What AT could we add to our Inventories?
Take Aways ………….. Technology is universal in our lives, why not our students? AT is attainable, affordable, always changing AT can impact function & independence We have AT resources in Maine ---- they are always growing! Collaboration is key! Voc Rehab is a KEY collaborator
Thank YOU!!! jbrandt@mainecite.org kadams@mainecite.org