OVERVIEW What is Slate, and why the change? Our mission To increase graduate enrollment while at the same time keeping reputation and raising rank. To provide as much central support as possible. So, what does Slate offer? A better admissions tool with more functionality. A consolidation of systems with increased efficiencies (Campus Solutions, Nolij, CRM, Online Status Check) What is Slate, and why the change?
Slate Slate streamlines our processes and introduces added functionality with almost no downtime “Less than 5 minutes of downtime” Slate has been around since 1999, and has had less than 5 minutes of downtime for both applicants and universities. Introduces advanced CRM messaging Slate has a prospect system in addition to an in-progress applicant communication tool that lets us customize marketing messages on hundreds of data and demographic points. Slate makes the student experience better Slate makes a seamless experience for the applicant by giving the application, fee payment, and status check the same look and feel. It also has an event registration system to invite them to recruitment events.
Slate Slate allows you to do your job more easily Gives department reps flexibility Allows you to set up email campaigns and business rules so that you don’t have to do as much manual work and you can concentrate on marketing your programs. Advanced reporting built-in Slate has a robust reporting component that allows you to look at data we have never surfaced such as click data and device usage. In one area you can see all of the interactions with an applicant (including applications and supporting documents). Slate make the faculty experience easier Allows for an online review of the application to take place and allows for collaborative review.
Recruitment and Application Management Details What you need to know about an applicant ! Recruitment and Application Management -Tool allows us to market to all students in the admissions funnel -Students use this tool to apply -Departments review applications and make admissions decisions -Graduate School & Admissions have trained over 80 people to date
Moving forward Enrollment Positions -Provost has allocated funds for 4 enrollment positions -These positions will work with colleges and departments to enhance recruitment activities -Will carryout recommendations from the Graduate Enrollment Subgroup -We are re-working space in Westcott which will be used as a collaborative work space -They will be mobile
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