The little motion that causes big things Activity List Plate Tectonics The little motion that causes big things Activity List
Chapter #2: Click on an activity to begin Activity One Activity Two Activity Three Activity Four Activity Five
Activity One How do we know the plates are moving? Well using the GPS like the kind found in vehicles can help us verify the movement of plates. Many computer models are used too. Proceed to the next page. Next
Using GPS & computer models Get the Lab sheet from Shawler You will be using text resources and online resources to explore relative plate motion on Earth Don’t just answer questions. Spend time exploring resources. Please ask if you have any questions Be prepared to share what you have learned from these activities Next
Activity Two Ok, so the plates are moving, but since they are solid, won’t there be open spaces and collisions? Well, the plate are always separating and crashing together, we cannot always feel it, but we can see the results. Next
Plate Boundaries There are three different types of plate boundaries, divergent, convergent, and transform. Each of the boundaries affects the surrounding areas in different ways. Next
Models of plate boundaries Go to the following sites: Observe animations of processes that occur along plate boundaries. IRIS - How do Earth’s tectonic plates interact? Watch all animations/video clips about plate boundary types. Take brief notes & draw pictures Get handout from Shawler for Activity 2 Show Shawler and get initials on Handout This takes the place of Activity #2 part A Next
Activity Two Now, do Part B, C, & D on page G76-G77 You should have gotten handout from Shawler already. *You will need a blank world map to do Part C #2 *You will also need Shawler’s giant map. *Don’t forget to show Part A to Shawler and get Shawler sign-off on Activity 2 handout. WHEN COMPLETE, READ PAGES 480-485 Activity List
Activity Three What is the Earth composed of that allows the plates to move? What drives the plates? Using current technology, geologist can map and come up with a model of the layers of the Earth. Also, scientists have ideas about how the plates move. Proceed to the next page Next
Playdoh Earth Acquire four different colors of playdoh. One color will represent the core, one color will represent the inner mantle, one the asthenosphere, and one the lithosphere. Code your model Draw it on a sheet of notebook paper and answer the Activity 3 questions on this same sheet. Be prepared to explain to Shawler. Use this picture on the next page as an example Next
Activity Three Questions (Put answers with model drawing) What layer of the Earth do we live on? What layer do the plates float on? Are the layer of the Earth solid or liquid, or both? What purpose does this serve? Next
Activity Three So the Earth is made of layers, but still, how do the layers layer & how do the plates move? The plates move by an action called convection. Convection currents occur in any fluid environment & have been identified in the Earth’s lithosphere. Some of the rock within the mantle is thought to be in a semi-solid state due to intense temperature & pressure. The rock has the consistency of warm wax and is able to flow. Next
Investigate Go to this website and watch the video: Convection Currents So how do convection currents work? Convection currents run our weather, ocean currents, and plate tectonics so they are pretty important to understand. Next
Activity Three Now, watch this clip that explains how these convection currents cause motion of the plates Earth’s Interior and Plate Tectonics WHEN FINISHED, READ PAGES 486-488 Activity List
Activity Four There are many effects of plate tectonics. Some of them are easy to see & maybe feel. Others are not so obvious. Let’s investigate some of these effects. Next
Activity Four Be sure to pick up handout entitled “Cross-section with two subduction zones” For activity #4, you will be making 2 models working in pairs & answering questions related to the model Pick up the sheets to create the models & the sheet that tells what colors you need Pick up questions Activity List
How did the idea of Plate Tectonics start? Activity Five How did the idea of Plate Tectonics start? The theory of Plate tectonics was devised by a man named Alfred Wegner, but was thought foolish when he came up with it Next
Theory of Plate Tectonics In 1912, Alfred Wegener proposed the idea of Pangea and the drifting of continents. He, however, was not able to say how it worked. He did collect quite a bit of evidence though. Use the following interactive to explore his evidence. Next
The moving continents Go to this website. 1.) Launch the interactive 2.) Get the discussion questions from Shawler 3.) Use the interactive to answer the questions. WHEN FINISHED, READ PAGES 468-477 Next
Conclusions Plate tectonics is considered one of the greatest findings in science. The moving of the plates effects so much of our daily lives. You wouldn’t know it, unless you knew about the plates. Next
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