What happens in Vegas - poster Actors – well known actors of the romantic comedy genre so fans will recognize this and instantly link it to a good film. Slogan – gives a hint to what the film is going to be about . Its also quite sexual with references to “playing dirty”. It also gives a sense that there is going to be some sort of battle between genders, which is also shown by “Cameron Vs. Ashton” so we are led to believe that these two characters are protagonists and they are going to have some conflict. Title – different sizes and colours make the title look playful which shows the comedy aspect of the film and also links with the main image as the characters look very playful and happy. Image – shows main characters playfully fighting which links in with the other aspects of the poster with the idea that there will be some sort of “battle”. The fact that they are shown smiling shows the comedy side of this film which shows us it is a romantic comedy. Background – the background of the poster is white this could bring more attention to what the designers want the audience to focus on. Gives the audience a release date so that they know when it is going to be in cinemas.
What happens in Vegas – DVD Cover Blurb – this gives the audience a bit of information of what the film is going to be about but it doesn't give too much information. This is because if new viewers are buying this film it doesn't give away the story and leaves enigmas for the viewer to want to buy the DVD and find out what happens. Slogan - “get lucky.” links with Vegas and the idea of gambling considering the title of the film is “what happens in Vegas” this could mean there could be some danger/gambling in this film. Additional images – this gives the film more of a story and introduction to other characters who may not be protagonists. Main image – the main characters are hugging each other this could show that they may be very close and even partners. They also look very happy as they are both smiling, this could also show that they are of close relations and comfortable together. The lighting is also very bright on their faces which shows that they are main focus’ of this film. Special features – this gives more interaction with the viewer as it includes things such as deleted scenes. This makes the viewer feel like they are gaining something from buying this DVD as they are allowed to view things that were deleted. Spine – this consist of the film title, pictures of the protagonists and the film production. This is the thing first seen by the purchaser so it has to give a summary of the most important parts of the film. Skyline image – gives an idea to where the film is set and what sort of environment it will be held in, from this skyline it shows that it is held in the city and probably in Vegas, due to the title and the skyline image. Credits – this gives credits to the actors and the people behind the scene. This is good for the viewer as they may recognise some of the names or the film publisher and immediately be interested because they are well know or is well know as successful.
Definitely, maybe - poster Showing well known romantic comedy films to show that this film is of the same standard and produced from the same people. Definitely, maybe - poster Introduction to possible protagonists. Gives an enigma to what relevance they have in the film. Slogan - this gives a hint to what the story of the film could be about. This get the audience interested to find out what it could be about. Heart symbol – the heart is split which links with heartbreak so this could lead the audience believe there is heartbreak in the film, this is a convention of romantic comedy. The heart is also split into three pieces this could link with the three girls and man shown as the three girls could all have a relationship with this man. It also links with the slogan as it indicates there is “Three relationships. Three disasters. One last chance.” Title – it is in different sizes this makes different words stand out more, which could show the more important words that the designer want to make clear the audience. The colour of the font is also in red which is represented as a colour of love . This links to the fact that it is a romantic comedy and is a stereotypical colour linked with romance. Release date – it is released in February which is the month which valentines is, this is a good time to release a romantic comedy as it is a time a lot of people think about love. The slogan that comes along with it “make a date” links with valentines as it is a time many people go on dates. Male – this could be a possible protagonist because he is the only male shown on the cover. His eye direction is also in the direction of the three women this shows the characters may be connected in some way or some point in the film.
Definitely, maybe – DVD Cover Summary – this is a summary or blurb of the film. This gives the purchaser information about the film. It gives a small amount of detail to get the audience interested but not too much to give the whole story away. Definitely, maybe – DVD Cover These films are mentioned because they are well known, successful films. They are produced by the same people so they are giving the audience the sense that ‘definitely, maybe’ is also going to be a well known, successful film. Quote – this is a pull quote from a review. This give the purchaser an idea of how good the film is from a professionals point of view. Actors/actresses – there is a list of the actors and actresses in the film and the fans of these individuals may be interested in the film because they are in it. Also, if people recognise these names from other successful romantic comedies the may be hopeful that this may also be a successful romantic comedy. Bonus features – this gives more interaction with the buyer and the film. This is a good way to connect with the target audience. Additional images – these give a hint to what the story could be about. These create enigmas as the buyers want to find out about the film. It also gives us an idea of who is important in the film. Credits – this gives credits to all the people that were behind the scene of the production of the film. Purchasers may read this and recognise successful people and expect a good film from the production team as they have watched good films produced from these people. Spine – this consist of the film title, pictures of the protagonists and the film production. This is the thing first seen by the purchaser so it has to give a summary of the most important parts of the film.