Bruce Johnson, ADSO-MT (Sector Baltimore)
Objectives Know what AuxLMS is and why it has been developed Know how to access AuxLMS Know what member training courses are required of everyone Know what other member training courses are available
What is AuxLMS? The Auxiliary Learning Management System (AuxLMS) is a Coast Guard-developed computer system that provides online training to all Auxiliarists AuxLMS makes it possible for Auxiliarists to take required training whenever and wherever they like.
What is AuxLMS? (2) AuxLMS was initially rolled out with 8 courses that are required of all Auxiliarists Incident Command System (ICS-210) has been posted Additional courses will be added over time Course completion is automatically recorded in AuxDATA once a week
How to access AuxLMS AuxLMS User name: your primary address in Auxdata You must have an address that you are not sharing with another Auxiliarist If you don’t have a unique address in Auxdata, set one up and report it to your FSO-IS with ANSC-7028.
How to access AuxLMS (2) Password Fill in your address in the User Name field Click the “I forgot my password” link under the Login button; this will open a popup On the popup, fill in the User Name field; click the Submit button You will receive an from osc-dg-ms-sa- with a passwordosc-dg-ms-sa- Return to and login Change your password once you’re in
How to access AuxLMS (3) Once you are in and have changed your password … Click the Auxiliary link midway down the page Click the Auxiliary Mandated Training midway down the page Click on the course number you would like to take
What AuxLMS courses are required? Complete during the 1 st year of enrollment & every 5 years: DHS together – Resilience training Security education Privacy at DHS / Protecting personal information Sexual harassment prevention Sexual assault prevention & response Civil rights awareness
What AuxLMS courses are required? Complete during the 1 st year of enrollment: Ethics 1 / Personal Gifts Influenza training New Auxiliarists must complete all 8 AuxLMS courses within their 1 st year. Auxiliarists enrolled before 2013 have until 31 December 2016 to complete all 8 courses.
What other MT courses are available on AuxLMS? Incident Command System (ICS 210) Federal Cyber Awareness Challenge More will be posted over time
Final word AuxLMS is written to be accessed using the current release of Internet Explorer (IE). It will mostly work on other browsers (like Firefox), but some functions don’t work on all browsers. If you run into trouble (several have experienced trouble finishing tests), switch to a different web browser. Always use the current release of your browser.
Where can I get help? AuxLMS AuxLMS announcement on Chief Director’s website AuxLMS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) base/List/Index/26/auxlms base/List/Index/26/auxlms Need additional assistance or report problem