Additional “tidbits” for developing your poster . . .
You have already had several readings and/or powerpoints on making posters, bullet points & the various components of a poster. You’ve seen many sample posters and we went over them in class for me to point out the strengths and weaknesses. These next slides: Reiterate some of the important points Add a few additional helpful tidbits . . .
A poster needs to . . . Have a brief, accurate title that catches the eye. As previously discussed, your your EBP poster tells what you did and not just your topic/ PICOT question. The same is true in your introduction!
A poster needs to . . . Tell highlights of the story; not the whole story as in a written paper would do! Less (text) is more!! White space across the poster is a good thing! Make it “easy on the eyes”!
A poster needs to . . . Engage your audience by what poster looks like & its content Know who your audience is May not know content; sell them on it Make them want to stop & look at your poster as the are “passing by” Value your audience & their time Tell them key points . . . They shouldn’t have to work hard to figure out what your story is within dense text boxes
A good poster . . . Catches your eye! Looks professional (in colors, pictures, figures) Minimizes text in each section Has easy to read font size Font guided by what is already in template Uses a background that is “easy on the eyes” Includes “white space” so it is not over-whelming
For your poster . . . Did you proof it for typos, clear meaning, etc.? Did you have others read it to see things you may have missed or to see if they follow the story line? Does it look professional? Boxes line up, margins equal, font is congruent across levels of the headings as well as congruent within similar levels of content of bullet points?
If you were doing a live poster You would want to have a 30 sec “speech” to draw a person in and tell the story of your poster. What is the 1 thing audience needs to know? Is there 1 thing you can point to on your poster that “tells it all”? Why is your EBP Project important?
If you were doing a live poster You could consider handouts: Of the references Of a more detailed table or figure Of an additional table or figure