UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS The Unit Organizer NAME 4 BIGGER PICTURE DATE Mathematics 2 LAST UNIT /Experience Rational Numbers 1 CURRENT UNIT 3 Polynomials NEXT UNIT /Experience Power and Exponent Laws 8 UNIT SCHEDULE 5 UNIT MAP is about... by knowing that the ordering of operations for integers, fractions , and decimals can be applied to all rational numbers 3.6 by comparing and ordering them on a number line. 3.1 writing any number as a fraction with an integer numerator and non-zero integer denominator 3.1 What is a rational number? by 3.2 Adding Rational Numbers by 3.3 Subtracting Rational Numbers knowing there are several strategies for adding rational numbers 3.2 by using strategies to determine the quotient of fractions and decimals 3.5 3.4 Multiplying Rational Numbers by using the strategies for subtracting integers and subtracting fractions 3.3 3.5 Dividing Rational Numbers by determining the sign of the product of two integers and applying it to the sign of the product of two rationals 3.4 Order of Operations with Rational Numbers 3.6 Unit Exam Sequencing 6 UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS Problem-solution RELATIONSHIPS UNIT 7
The Unit Organizer Rational Numbers NAME Rational Numbers DATE 9 Expanded Unit Map is about... by comparing and ordering them on a number line. 3.1 writing any number as a fraction with an integer numerator and non-zero integer denominator by knowing that the ordering of operations for integers, fractions , and decimals can be applied to all rational numbers 3.6 by using strategies to determine the quotient of fractions and decimals 3.5 knowing there are several strategies for adding rational numbers 3.2 by determining the sign of the product of two integers and applying it to the sign of the product of two rationals 3.4 by using the strategies for subtracting integers and subtracting fractions 3.3 10 SELF-TEST QUESTIONS NEW UNIT