The Design Process By: Andrew Brock
Overall Design Process Steps Research and Preparation Design Construction Documentation Implementation Maintenance Evaluation
Site Analysis Inventory Rough outline of the site Always have the underground lines marked Take note of the overhead lines as well Analyze problems an potentials of the site
Site Analysis Considerations Topography Drainage Soil Existing Vegetation
More Considerations Climate House Other Structures Utilities Views Spaces and Functions of outdoor areas
Topography 3% slope or less for walkways Up to 25% to operate a lawn mower safely
Drainage Watershed- the direction in which water drains on the property
Soil Drainage Characteristics: sand, silt or clay pH Soil test recommended
Existing Vegetation Generally identify plants Observe their condition Quantity and quality
Climate Temperature Rainfall Wind conditions and direction North-shade South-warm East-afternoon shade West-afternoon sun Southwest is hot and dry
House Architecture and style Color and siding Gutters or not
Other Structures Steps Walkways Pools Sheds Walls
Utilities A/C unit Septic Tank Irrigation Power Lines
Views From road to house Inside out
Road to House
Functions of Outdoor Spaces Areas where they spend time
Completion of Site Analysis Utilize Site Potentials Fix the Problems Accurate Assessments Form Ideas Keep Photos and Documents