Pre-OMB meeting Preparation for the Workshop “EGI towards H2020”


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Presentation transcript:

Pre-OMB meeting Preparation for the Workshop “EGI towards H2020” NGI_HR Emir Imamagic

EGI Strategy activities Providing enabling services to researchers Operate European capability for HTC and data analysis Provide a flexible virtual research environment Identify and develop the human capital

Providing enabling services to researchers Storage services 50 TB disk space offered to EGI communities expansion is planned, no exact figures yet Integration with EUDAT, PRACE or other infrastructures at national and European level providing availability and reliability systems as part of the SAM team

Operate European capability for HTC and data analysis Cloud services currently investigating cloud middleware planning to become FedCloud RP in 2013 possible migration of whole infrastructure to cloud middleware New resource types currently providing 36 GPUs for national VOs planning to expand GPUs and test other types (Intel Phy)

Operate European capability for HTC and data analysis Allocation mechanisms currently participating in EGI federated resource pool planning to investigate other allocation models once the resources are expanded

Operate European capability for HTC and data analysis Portals and interfaces currently providing portal based on gUSE-u and WS-PGRADE (RBI institute) planning to experiment with CloudMan middleware Technology providers participate in maintenance and innovation of monitoring systems (SAM) planning to participate in configuration management activities (e.g. Cobbler, Puppet)

Provide a flexible virtual research environment AAI infrastructure Croatia has a well established AAI infrastructure AAI@EduHr which is participating in GEANT (eduroam & eduGAIN) planning to experiment integration with cloud and grid systems

Identify and develop the human capital Creation of NGI centre of excellence for technology consultancy monitoring solutions system installation & configuration management solutions Please add information about topics and target user communities (if any)