On your scrap paper convert these fractions into decimals using the ‘bus stop’ division method. 6 9 7 8 11 20 4 5 Example: 9 6 Challenge If you have finished, find the percentile equivalent of your fraction and decimal
Solutions 6 9 7 8 11 20 4 5 = 0.66r = 0.875 = 5.5 = 0.8
What do you think our L/O will be today? What do you think I am going to ask you to do today?
L/O: To find all the possible solutions for making a wizard’s potion and record all the information and calculations needed to make the potion.
Success Criteria Must – I can work out different ways of creating a given wizard’s potion. Should - I can work out different ways of creating a given wizard’s potion and note down all the possibilities and workings. Could – I can complete the challenge potion on my worksheet.
Harry Potter has turned evil! Harry Potter has turned bad and has created a wicked potion to do nasty things to all of your lovely Year 5 teachers!
WARNING ALL TEACHERS If Harry Potter’s potion is correctly put together it will turn all Yr 5 teachers into FROGS! Harry needs different amounts of insect legs for his potion to work correctly
Tester Potion Before Harry can use the potion on the year 5 teachers he must test out a weaker version. Harry’s tester potion requires 24 insect legs. Spiders – 8 legs Lizards – 4 legs Bats – 2 legs Talk Time Talk to your partner and try to work out as many ways as you can to make Harry’s tester potion.
Harry’s Potion To turn Miss McBennett into a frog Harry needs a potion with 32 legs! To turn Miss Kearns into a frog Harry needs a potion with 68 legs! - To turn Mr Powell into a frog Harry needs a potion with 108 legs!
Task – As a class we will create 3 potions to turn all the year 5 teachers into Frogs! Note – you will each have different types of insect with which to make your potion. Abacus + Blocks You will create the Mr Powell potion which requires an 108 leg potion. Cylinders + Dice You will create the Miss Kearns potion which requires 68 legs. Rhombus You will create the Miss McBennett potion which requires 32 legs. CHALLENGE Your challenges are written on your sheets Good luck and remember to work systematically and make sure you record every way of making Harry’s potions using the boxed on your sheet.
Plenary Please complete your marking ladders, tick the boxes. How many ways of creating each potion did you make? What patterns did you find to help with your working?