A LOOK BACK @ TLW TLW 3.0? So what did TLW 1.0 & TLW 2.0 look like?
A Promise of Abstinence Until Marriage TLW 1.0 A Promise of Abstinence Until Marriage (1993)
The Early 90s Culture expected teenagers to be sexually active and abstinence was not presented as an option Christian parents and teenagers expressed concern over teen sexual behavior The concern was addressed in the form of student, parent, church solutions
Believing that True Love Waits, I make a commitment to God, myself, my family, my friends, my future mate, and my future children to remain sexually abstinent from this day until the day I enter a covenant marriage relationship.
Students making commitments to sexual abstinence until marriage.
First National TLW Display s July 1994 s The Mall s Washington, DC
A Promise of a Life of Purity Including Abstinence TLW 2.0 A Promise of a Life of Purity Including Abstinence Until Marriage (2004)
The Mid 00s Sexual behavior among teenagers was different and abstinence was seen as an option The use of the word and the idea of “purity” expanded the view of abstinence A significant number of teenagers were publicly expressing their commitment to purity/abstinence
Believing that True Love Waits, I make a commitment to God, myself, my family, my friends, my future mate, and my future children to a lifetime of purity including sexual abstinence from this day until the day I enter a biblical marriage relationship.
Tenth Anniversary Celebration s 2004 s Centennial Park s Nashville, TN
TLW International Rally/Display s 2004 Summer Olympics s Athens, Greece
A Promise and a Process Toward a Life of Purity Including Abstinence TLW 3.0 A Promise and a Process Toward a Life of Purity Including Abstinence Until Marriage (2010)
Creating a Culture of Purity Celebrate markers Support & encourage students Educational Church involvement Parental supervision Intentional conversations Teachable opportunities Repentance & restoration Accountability (peer & adult)
Creating a Culture of Purity Student Element Home Element Church Element
CHILDHOOD PATH of PURITY MARKERS Birth and Infancy Physical Curiosity Starting School Sexual/Social Development “The Talk”
YOUNGER YOUTH PATH of PURITY MARKERS 6. Puberty 7. 13th birthday 8. Entering the youth group 9. TLW Ceremony
OLDER YOUTH PATH of PURITY MARKERS 10. Driver’s license 11. Dating (group/first date) 12. Exclusively dating 13. Prom/banquet/formal 14. High school graduation
POST YOUTH/YOUNG ADULT PATH of PURITY MARKERS POST YOUTH/YOUNG ADULT 15. College 16. Singleness 17. Engagement 18. Marriage
PURITY DETOURS Abuse Sexual Activity Pregnancy & Abortion Pornography Homosexuality Living Together
A Promise and a Process Toward a Life of Purity Including Abstinence Until Marriage