Pretargeted radioimmunotherapy (PRIT™) for treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) Paul L. Weiden, Hazel B. Breitz Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology Volume 40, Issue 1, Pages 37-51 (October 2001) DOI: 10.1016/S1040-8428(01)00133-0
Fig. 1 Schema of the pretargeting regimen (see text for details). Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 2001 40, 37-51DOI: (10.1016/S1040-8428(01)00133-0)
Fig. 2 Mean serum conjugate [(a), n=3)] and DOTA–biotin clearance [(b), n=10)]. Each patient received C2B8/SA conjugate at time 0, biotin-galactose clearing agent at 34 h, and 111In-DOTA–biotin at 52 h. The y-axis represents the percentage of the injected dose of each isotope per gram of serum. See text for details. Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 2001 40, 37-51DOI: (10.1016/S1040-8428(01)00133-0)
Fig. 3 Gamma camera images from patient 9802.001 injected with 186Re C2BA/SA conjugate at time 0 and imaged at 29 h, just before administration of the clearing agent (images on the left), and 17 h after administering the clearing agent (images on the right). Note the isotope in the heart (top left image) and great vessels (middle and lower left images) before clearing agent and in the liver and bowel (top and middle right images) after clearing agent. Tumor uptake in right inguinal region (lower right image) was observed and became more prominent as background activity decreased. Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 2001 40, 37-51DOI: (10.1016/S1040-8428(01)00133-0)
Fig. 4 Anterior pelvis images after injection of 111In-DOTA–biotin in patient 9802.001, the same patient as in Fig. 2. (a) 0.4 h after injection: note the rapid uptake of 111In-DOTA–biotin in inguinal nodes and prominent bladder activity. (b) 2.5 h: localization in additional nodes can be seen. (c) 20 h; (d) 40 h: note retention of activity in nodes and low soft tissue activity. Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 2001 40, 37-51DOI: (10.1016/S1040-8428(01)00133-0)
Fig. 5 Images 3 h following 5 mCi 111In and 93 mCi 90Y in patient 9806.002. (a) Anterior abdominal image: note minimal hepatic and splenic uptake, localization in abdominal and pelvic lymph nodes (black arrows). (b) Anterior pelvis image: note widespread bone marrow involvement in iliac bones and femurs (open arrows), as well as multiple iliac and inguinal nodes. Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 2001 40, 37-51DOI: (10.1016/S1040-8428(01)00133-0)
Fig. 6 Mean organ biodistribution curves of 111In following administration of 111In-DOTA biotin in PRIT schema. See text for details. Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 2001 40, 37-51DOI: (10.1016/S1040-8428(01)00133-0)
Fig. 7 Tumor to organ and whole body dose ratios calculated from data shown in Table 2. Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 2001 40, 37-51DOI: (10.1016/S1040-8428(01)00133-0)
Fig. 8 Absolute neutrophil counts (ANC) following PRIT in the seven patients who received 30 or 50 mCi/m2 of 90Y-DOTA biotin. Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 2001 40, 37-51DOI: (10.1016/S1040-8428(01)00133-0)
Fig. 9 Human antistreptavidin antibody (HASA) response in patients who received C2B8/SA conjugate in the PRIT schema. Critical Reviews in Oncology / Hematology 2001 40, 37-51DOI: (10.1016/S1040-8428(01)00133-0)