Use the mnemonic device: Metric System Use the mnemonic device: King Henry Died (Base) Drinking Chocolate Milk K=Kilo H=Hecto D=Deka the Base unit will be the unit you are measuring, either meters, grams, or liters. D=Deci C=Centi M=Milli
Converting in the metric system is as easy as moving a decimal point either to the left or right. First, start at the unit you are given. Move the decimal point in the direction of the unit you are converting to. Remember: If you are converting a whole number, then the decimal is BEHIND the number. Example: 73 would be 73. decimal ↑
Let’s Practice 27 mm = ___________ cm K H D M D C M Move 1 place to left. Since 27 is a whole number, put in the decimal point. 27. = 2.7cm
42.3 m = ______ cm K H D M D C M Meters to centimeters we move two places to the right. 42.3__ Oops, we ran out of numbers, so we have to add a zero to have enough places. Our answer is 4,230 cm.
Now you try. 5 g = _____ mg
8.75 g = ___ mg
300 m = ___ km
4.69 L = ___ mL
3 m = ____ cm
3,000 mL = ___ L