Energy Remediation solutions products increasing margins for 28 years 361-730-9984
Why use energy remediation solutions oilfield Products? ERS Products are proprietary blends of natural facultative anaerobic biologicals and biochemicals used to control deposition in oil wells, flowlines, tanks, and pipelines. 1 Products disperse and degrade paraffins and asphaltenes that deposit in tanks and flowlines by production of solvents, bio surfactants and direct metabolic degradation. 2 Producing oil well flow assurance can be improved by control of downhole paraffin and asphaltene deposition. 3 Reservoir permeability in the well bore region also may be improved due to removal of paraffin and scale deposits causing skin damage or occluding pore throats. 4 361-730-9984
Advantages of Energy Remediation Solutions Products Ecologically Friendly Microbial Offering sustainable solutions to eliminate or generate Paraffin H2S Scale & Corrosion Asphaltenes Generate MEOR Bioremediation Waste Removes need for hazardous chemicals Provides measurable results 361-730-9984
Significantly lower expenses in oilfield Eliminates the need for chemical treatments, hot oil, and hot water treatments Reduces the frequency of workover units to pull wells, Lowers costs of replacing rods, tubing, pumps and lessens downtime Reduces electricity costs by reducing drag incurred on rod pumps due to paraffin by reducing oil viscosity Shifts hydrocarbon fraction to produce lighter, more profitable oil 361-730-9984
Applications for ERS products Performance advantage in select markets Paraffins, Asphaltenes, MEOR, SCALE, Frac Polymers, Well Stimulations, Hydrogen Sulfide Control, Water Quality Water/Wastewater Bioremediation 361-730-9984
Comparison to traditional chemicals Traditional Mechanisms Solvents Surfactants New Mechanisms Paraffin metabolism Asphaltene control Frac polymer repair Emulsion Breaking 361-730-9984
ER-A400 Asphaltene Control control asphaltene deposition in oil wells, flowlines, tanks, and pipelines. directly degrades asphaltene molecules and prevents them from precipitating. produces and contains bio surfactants, aldehydes and ketones that help disperse and dissolve asphaltene deposits. active on high molecular weight paraffins. 361-730-9984
ER-B100 Bioremediation designed and formulated for the treatment of soil and water contaminated with crude oil, gasoline, kerosene, jet fuel, military fuel and diesel fuel. also degrades many other hazardous compounds. 361-730-9984
ER-C500 Corrosion Control Series used to control general corrosion in oil wells, flowlines, tanks, and pipelines. contains bacterial produced and other filming agents that bind to metal surfaces and act as passivating agents, slowing corrosion rates. contains chelating agents that reduce scale deposition, reducing sites under which corrosion can occur. disperses, dissolves and prevent scale problems through the bio surfactants, di- and monocarboxylic acids and phospholipids that it contains and produces. possesses some paraffin control activity. 361-730-9984
M.E.O.R. & ERS Success Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR)/Increased Production improve operations and reduce costs. increase oil production from 10% to 50% and even more in most cases. can enhance oil field recovery, improve recovery efficiency, and increase recoverable reserves by introducing the microorganisms directly into the formation. Paraffin deposits are removed from the formation itself, allowing oil to move to the well bore. 361-730-9984
ER-P200-Broad Spectrum Paraffin Got Paraffin? Wells can be batch treated weekly, biweekly, monthly. by continuous drip depending on the severity of the paraffin . tailored to the system requiring treatment 361-730-9984
ER-p200 Success 361-730-9984
ER-S300 Broad Spectrum for Scale Mineral deposits such as calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate occur wherever water chemistries create insoluble conditions for the contributing ions of calcium, carbonate or sulfate exist. These can occur due to pressure and temperature drops in the production string or in the blending of incompatible waters from different wells in water handling systems. 361-730-9984
Resistance to biocide is prevented H2S & ERS Microbes Resistance to biocide is prevented Multi-factor control of problem sources SRB level Biofilm formation Microbial content of well and formation Have potential to reach contaminated areas not accessible with chemical biocides 361-730-9984
Oilfield Applications for ERS Products Well Stimulation and Maintenance Oil, Gas, and Water Quality Frac Damage Repair EOR Water flooding Pipeline Operations MEOR Tank Cleaning Bioremediation Oilfield Applications for ERS Products 361-730-9984
ER-W700 for Water/Wastewater Lower effluent COD (chemical oxygen demand) Remove specific pollutants such as phenols, hydrocarbons Improve system efficiency by shortening start-up times for new plants Simplify operations under harsh environmental conditions like cold temperatures Control unwanted odors Enhance biogas production 361-730-9984
Applications for ER-w700 challenges in municipal wastewater treatment the food & beverages industry the pulp & paper industry refining & petrochemical chemical industry Agave Waste in Tequila Manufacturing Animal waste in poultry & Cattle Industry 361-730-9984
ERS Compatibility Most Energy Remediation Solutions products are compatible and can be used together to treat several different production issues such as asphaltenes, scale and paraffin at the same time. 361-730-9984
More advantages of ERS products Consistent management system based on biological principles, not chemical economics. Most environmentally sound control No persistent or carcinogenic agents Price does not change when oil prices do Applicable in producing wells, flow lines, SWD lines, oil/water tanks, disposal/injection wells, and water floods. 361-730-9984
ERS Products General Characteristics Safe to handle Mixtures (ecosystems) Chosen for specific activity Chosen to eliminate undesirable properties 100% eco natural microorganisms 361-730-9984
Environmental stewardship All ERS products are among the safest used in the oilfield. Low in hazardous potential and non-pathogenic to humans, animals, the water supply, and safe for the environment ERS offers safe effective treatments New, innovative, clean Microbes reduce operating costs and environmental liability Improve public image 361-730-9984
Energy Remediation Solution Visit our website: Or email: corporate office: 361-730-9984 4833 Saratoga Blvd. #105 Corpus Christi, TX 78413 Energy Remediation Solutions workers