Apprenticeship Reforms and Suffolk County Council
What you need to know New reforms came into force 3rd April 2017 Government target - to increase use of apprenticeships across all sectors Government intention - to increase number of young adults working within all sectors CMT and DMT have committed to supporting reforms Will have impact on how we recruit to some new posts Will have an impact on career progression and professional development opportunities for some staff
New monthly apprenticeship levy - all large employers have to pay Collected monthly through PAYE - expires after 24 months Is held in a digital levy account For apprenticeship training only – nothing else! Can be used cross Suffolk County Council (corporately) £884,000 corporately
New apprenticeship annual workforce targets for public bodies with 250 or more employees For Suffolk County Council 133 We have 3…
Using the levy to pay for qualifications New Apprentice New to Post Existing Staff Newly employed as an apprentice Fixed term apprentice contract Paid in accordance with SCC apprentice pay scale (being developed) Allocated workplace mentor and buddy Employed as per pay grade for post Usually a permanent contract As part of wider induction into role - usually statutory requirement to complete qualification As part of professional development To gain 'substantive new skills and knowledge'
Opportunities for teams… some examples Area New Apprenticeship Standard Level Status Relevant roles Business Support Business Administrator / team leader / manager Customer service / helpline 3- 5 Available Business support officer Business support coordinator Family Support Practitioner Children, young people and families practitioner (level 3 Diploma in residential childcare) 4 In development Family Support Practitioner Education Welfare Officer Residential childcare worker Youth support worker Family Support - management Children, young people and families manager (level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management for Residential Childcare) 5 Residential children’s manager Youth Support Intermediate and advanced apprenticeship in Youth Work (old framework) 2 and 3 Youth Support Worker Social care Apprentice social worker TBC Trainee social worker Other standards in development can also be applicable to CYP though the details of these are still being mapped against specific roles within CYP. For example apprenticeships around IT solutions could support roles in the intelligence hub and those developing aspects of IT transformation within the service. Additional apprentice standards are being developed
Employers develop new standards via trailblazer groups New Apprenticeships Standards designed by employers for employers are replacing existing apprenticeship frameworks 3 levels – intermediate, advanced and higher From level 2 to first and masters level degree routes available Apprentices can be any age Employers develop new standards via trailblazer groups Suffolk County Council involvement Children young people and families practitioner – residential, family support and youth Children young people and families manager - residential, family support and youth Social work degree route list of all standards including those still in development -
The Rules An apprentice can be a new or existing member of staff and can be any age Must undertake higher level than a qualification they already hold or at a lower level if acquiring substantive new skills Apprentices should work for at least 30 paid hours a week - less hours can be agreed Must be an intention for the apprenticeship to lead to a permanent role Apprentices must work with experienced staff, learn job-specific skills and work towards achieving an approved apprenticeship Standard during their working week 20% of their time must be spent in ‘off the job’ training Must offer apprentices the same conditions as other employees Off the job training must be undertaken outside of normal working conditions and must contribute to the achievement of the apprenticeship standard. The training can be carried out at the location where the apprentice works but must not be done as part of their normal working duties. Although you have to offer the same conditions, you don’t have to pay them the same as other employees while they are completing their apprenticeship. This is in recognition of the additional money spent on their training and the fact that they are learning as they go. If an existing employee takes up an apprenticeship it must be to undertake an apprenticeship at a higher level than a qualification they already hold or be for the purpose of acquiring substantive new skills. Apprenticeships must offer training to level 2 in English or Maths (or functional skills) if the apprentice does not already have these or equivalent qualifications
Things to consider Professional development needs of existing staff – September 2017 Previous numbers Enrichment programme and apprenticeship standards / start dates Is there a role for new apprentices? How can apprenticeships support ongoing recruitment and retention issues? Can apprenticeship routes provide opportunities for career progression? Existing – business support / family support practitioner / other Year one – good to promote with existing staff Highlight links with HR and legal regarding contracts for apprentices / existing staff moving to apprentice role
Where can I find out more? Expression of interest form for existing staff wishing to undertake apprenticeship route in current role Paula-Tilbury Larter - Workforce Development Advisor for Apprentices Megan O’Keefe – Corporate Apprenticeship Reforms Manager askHR guidance and links now available Lots of Info on General information on employing an apprentice New Apprenticeship Standards List of new standards approved for delivery List of standards in development (Trailblazers) and employers involved List of old style apprenticeship frameworks still available