AdMOS GmbH Advanced Modeling Solutions AdMOS Software Tools Dr. Thomas Gneiting AdMOS GmbH Advanced Modeling Solutions
Standard Software in IC-CAP 09.09.2018 Standard Software in IC-CAP Due to our cooperation with Agilent Technologies, we provide all MOS Model Parameter Extraction Packages for IC-CAP. They can be purchased from Agilent Technologies under an Agilent Product number. Actually, these are: BSIM3 Modeling Package BSIM4 Modeling Package PSP Model Extraction Package Coming up in IC-CAP 2008, we provide in addition the Target Modeling Tool The goal of Advanced Modeling Solutions is to cover all the different areas of the BSIM model family with tools to extract model parameters. The actual “BSIM3v3 Modeling Package” is used by major semiconductor manufacturers and research institutes for model generation. A second product, the “BSIMSOI Modeling Tool” has been recently released and covers all aspects of SOI models. Advanced Modeling Solutions has continued this way by providing a new tool for modeling the currently published BSIM4 model which can be used for transistors approaching the nanometer regime. The BSIM4 Modeling Package is now available in the beta version of IC-CAP 5.4. Agilent Technologies 85194P IC-CAP BSIM PSP Modeling Package
Additional Software for IC-CAP 09.09.2018 Additional Software for IC-CAP In addition to the standard software in IC-CAP, AdMOS provides further tools to enhance customers productivity in IC-CAP. This software can be purchased from AdMOS directly and customers will receive the license and the support from AdMOS. These are the following tools, which are described in detail on the next pages: Flicker Noise Extraction System BSIMSOI3 Modeling Tool EKV3 Modeling Tool Corner Modeling Tool Automatic Wafer Prober Control The goal of Advanced Modeling Solutions is to cover all the different areas of the BSIM model family with tools to extract model parameters. The actual “BSIM3v3 Modeling Package” is used by major semiconductor manufacturers and research institutes for model generation. A second product, the “BSIMSOI Modeling Tool” has been recently released and covers all aspects of SOI models. Advanced Modeling Solutions has continued this way by providing a new tool for modeling the currently published BSIM4 model which can be used for transistors approaching the nanometer regime. The BSIM4 Modeling Package is now available in the beta version of IC-CAP 5.4.
09.09.2018 The goal of Advanced Modeling Solutions is to cover all the different areas of the BSIM model family with tools to extract model parameters. The actual “BSIM3v3 Modeling Package” is used by major semiconductor manufacturers and research institutes for model generation. A second product, the “BSIMSOI Modeling Tool” has been recently released and covers all aspects of SOI models. Advanced Modeling Solutions has continued this way by providing a new tool for modeling the currently published BSIM4 model which can be used for transistors approaching the nanometer regime. The BSIM4 Modeling Package is now available in the beta version of IC-CAP 5.4.
09.09.2018 The goal of Advanced Modeling Solutions is to cover all the different areas of the BSIM model family with tools to extract model parameters. The actual “BSIM3v3 Modeling Package” is used by major semiconductor manufacturers and research institutes for model generation. A second product, the “BSIMSOI Modeling Tool” has been recently released and covers all aspects of SOI models. Advanced Modeling Solutions has continued this way by providing a new tool for modeling the currently published BSIM4 model which can be used for transistors approaching the nanometer regime. The BSIM4 Modeling Package is now available in the beta version of IC-CAP 5.4.
Corner Modeling Tool The CornerTool adds statistical information to extracted model parameter sets of BSIM3, BSIM4 or PSP It uses process parameters for different measurement points (e.g. vtlin or idsat) to generate the industry standard corner cases fast, typical and slow. The result of this modelling step can be tested against simulation warnings or errors and can be documented in an HTML report including different transistors sizes as well as scaling plots for each PCM measurements and all corner cases.
Automatic Wafer Prober Control Please request more information from AdMOS (