Summary of ECRs for the 2015-16 YETS Booster, PS, ISOLDE and associated transfer lines (LIU + Consolidation) T. Birtwistle (EN-MEF-DC)
T. Birtwistle for EN-MEF-DC Current Known 2015-2016 YETS Configuration PSB-BTVMC-EC-0001 Upgrade of BTP.BTV10 Approved by the IEFC PS-BPUWA-EC-0001 Installation of a wideband pickup in SS90 of the PS CPS-BCTF-EC-0002 Removal of transformers from L2 transfer lines Approved by the IEFC. LBE.BCT66 postponed to LS2 CPS-BTV-EC-0001 Upgrade of 5 BTVs in the F61 line to the East Area CPS-BCTF-EC-0003 Replacement of ITH.BCT41 in the ITH line from Linac 3 PS-WCM-EC-0001 PS wall current monitors installation in SS03 ‘Old’ approved ECR from LS1. 2015-11-19 T. Birtwistle for EN-MEF-DC
T. Birtwistle for EN-MEF-DC Current Known 2015-2016 YETS Configuration LEI-Y-EC-0001 Modification of the CPS safety chain to allow circulating and ejected ion beams from the LEIR machine during PS ring access Approved by the IEFC ISL-Y-EC-0002 Modification to the ISOLDE target area PS-Y-EC-0002 New safety related function of radiation monitors for the PS Ring PS-Y-EC-0001 New Sector and Procedure to Allow the Transfer of Large Equipment via the YEMM02.PSR=352 Mobile Shielding when the Access Mode is Restricted Principle of the change approved by the IEFC, but some outstanding questions – integration, footbridge? Will possibly be postponed until after the YETS? 2015-11-19 T. Birtwistle for EN-MEF-DC
T. Birtwistle for EN-MEF-DC Current Known 2015-2016 YETS Configuration L3-BCFAB-EC-0001 Linac 3 Faraday Cups Upgrade Under approval L3-LJ-EC-0001 Modification of GTS-LHC Extraction Region in Linac 3 PSB-K-EC-0001 BSW Chicane Stripping Foil Magnet Power Converter Infrastructure in BRF2 and BAT building 361 First draft available – will be circulated soon. YETS work – enlarge door, and install metallic structures to support racks PS-LJ-EC-0002 Restoring lines of sight in the PS Ring for Survey First draft available – some missing information. Needs to be circulated soon to get approval before the YETS PS-XXX-EC-XXXX Installation of a Water Distribution System for a 10MHz Cavity in SS11 Some missing information. Needs to be circulated soon to get approval before the YETS 2015-11-19 T. Birtwistle for EN-MEF-DC