7th Grade Science Plan time: 1:35 – 2:20 (7th Hr) jrohner@bssd.net Ms. Jennifer Rohner Plan time: 1:35 – 2:20 (7th Hr) jrohner@bssd.net
About Ms. rohner This is my 7th year teaching Moreland Ridge Middle School Lamar Middle School (Lamar, MO) Delta Woods Middle School B.S. in Middle School Science and Social Studies Education M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction
Areas of Study Semester 1 Semester 2 Cells & Body Systems Students in 7th grade science will develop understanding of key concepts to help them make sense of the life sciences. Semester 1 Cells & Body Systems Growth & Development Semester 2 Energy Flow & Ecosystems Natural Selection & Adaptations The performance expectations in middle school blend core ideas with scientific and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts to support students in developing useable knowledge across the science disciplines.
Safety First! Must have a signed copy on file for students to participate in lab activities Goggles Can reuse from last year $5 to purchase goggles Must turn in $ by Sept. 1st If you are unable to purchase goggles, please let me know!
Late or Missing Work Work not turned in on the due date will receive ½ credit Will have to fill out a sheet explaining why the work is missing/not done Take late work up until the unit test. Not accepted for points after unit test has been taken When students are absent, it is their responsibility to obtain work from the days they missed. Students get one day for each day absent to complete their work. (Ex. Absent 3 days = 3 days to get work done and turned in)
Gizmos! Great for… Experiments we can’t complete during regular class time Data analysis Reading graphs Online simulations Develop understanding of challenging concepts through inquiry and exploration Can use at home! www.explorelearning.com
Parent Portal Easy way for you to track your child’s grades and progress Can access straight from Delta Woods website www.bssd.net/domain/13 Parent Portal User Guide is available on the BSSD website
Delta Woods Discipline Plan Our goal is to have a successful day for all students. Whenever choices are made that disrupt the flow of the day, the following plan is used to help students learn to make better choices: 1st Teacher Warning/Documentation 2nd Teacher Warning/Documentation 3rd Teacher Warning/Documentation/Parent Contact 4th Detention/Documentation/Parent Contact 5th Office Referral: Misconduct (BSSD Scope & Sequence)
FYI! Fall Picture Day – Wednesday, August 30th Box Tops Absences Please save and have your child turn in to Gator Time teacher Money stays in our school! Absences If you know your child will be absent, please call the office to let us know Planners All DWMS students must have a planner. If your child has not purchased one, they are $6. Send the money with your child to school and they can purchase in the morning before school.
THANK YOU! jrohner@bssd.net Plan: 1:35 – 2:20 816-874-5830 Ext. 50543 Thank you for your time! I look forward to a fantastic year of learning with your child! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. jrohner@bssd.net Plan: 1:35 – 2:20 816-874-5830 Ext. 50543