7th Grade Academic Skills Ms. Jennifer Rohner Plan time: 1:35 – 2:20 (7th Hr) jrohner@bssd.net
About Ms. Rohner This is my 2nd year at Delta Woods Moreland Ridge Middle School Lamar Middle School (Lamar, MO) B.S. in Middle School Science and Social Studies Education M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction
Academic Skills Academic Skills is a year-long course that meets every other day (A/B Day). 9-week sections - students will rotate between the instructors of the course to meet the objectives of the Academic Skills course. Each 9-week term the students will work on objectives in the following subjects: Geometry, Communication Arts, Science, MAP preparation and Career Exploration. Science (Ms. Rohner) Language Arts (Mrs. White) Math (Mrs. Wildschuetz) Career Unit (Ms. Rohner)
Academic Skills - Science In the science rotation, we will focus on reviewing science content from the previous year’s science curriculum and work on reinforcing science process skills. Identifying Variables Collecting and Organizing Data Analyzing Data
Academic Skills – MAP Prep & Career Unit MAP (Missouri Assessment Program) Prep includes quick review of language arts, math and science content 4th Quarter Career Unit Students investigate options for paths towards careers of their interest including college, technical schools and other skill-based programs
THANK YOU! jrohner@bssd.net Plan: 1:35 – 2:20 816-874-5830 Thank you for your time! I look forward to a fantastic year of learning with your child! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. jrohner@bssd.net Plan: 1:35 – 2:20 816-874-5830