James Monroe American System Plan by Henry Clay Meant to increase trade by: Improving our infrastructure Bringing back the national bank Protective tariff
James Monroe Erie Canal Part of the American System Increased trade in the Northeast
James Monroe Era of Good Feelings Nickname for Monroe’s Presidency because: Only one political party (Democratic Republicans) No threat of war Period of nationalism
James Monroe Adams-Onis Treaty America took Florida from Spain
James Monroe Monroe Doctrine 4 Parts Western Hemisphere is closed to NEW colonization Any attempt to colonize will lead to military action from the U.S.
James Monroe Missouri Compromise 1st visible sectionalism in America Missouri slave, Maine free 36, 30’ line divides the LOUISIANA PURCHASE territory
John Quincy Adams Election of 1824 Nicknamed the Corrupt Bargain Between Jackson, JQA, and Henry Clay No clear winner Jackson believes Clay and JQA made a deal where JQA would be named president and Clay would become Secretary of State
John Quincy Adams Tariff of Abominations Passed by supporters of Jackson in Congress to make JQA look bad Helps Jackson win the Election of 1828
Andrew Jackson Spoils System Started by Jackson This is when you appoint UNQUALIFIED individuals to government positions Leads to corruption
Andrew Jackson Indian Removal Act Jackson orders all Native Americans west of the Mississippi River by 1837 This is after the ruling in Worcester v. Georgia Led to the Trail of Tears
Andrew Jackson Worcester v. Georgia Supreme court ruled the Georgia could not continue to take Native American land Jackson refused to enforce this ruling
Andrew Jackson Trail of Tears Forced removal of Native Americas to Oklahoma Mainly Cherokee 1 in 4 Native Americans died
Andrew Jackson South Carolina’s Nullification They attempted to nullify the Tariff of Abominations Jackson threatens the Force Bill (military action) South Carolina backs down
Andrew Jackson Attacking the Bank of the United States Jackson hated the bank When it comes up for renewal, he vetoes it Then- he tries to use “pet banks” to make it go away faster Gets him the nickname “King Andrew”
Andrew Jackson Whig Party Political party created in opposition to Andrew Jackson