Student Bulletin 18 – 22 December 2017
UPCOMING EVENTS (15 – 22 December) Enterprise Trade Fair 19 December 2017 Board of Management Meeting 19 December 2017 (6:15pm) Third Year English Assessment Task 20 & 21 December 2017 Talent Show 22 December 2017 (Period 3)
First year ice skating Ice Skating on Monday18 December 2017 Leave at 10:40am Back at Lunch Enjoy your trip!!
Ty & 5th Year trip to the movies Thursday 21 December 2017 Leave at 9:00am Back at 2:30pm WATCHING “WONDER” AT ODEON CINEMA BLANCHARDSTOWN & LUNCH OUT
A BIG thank you for your donations! SVP HAMPER APPEAL A BIG thank you for your donations! The food will be distributed to the people who need it most in communities across Ireland.
Associate Student Members to the Board of Management The first meeting of the Board of Management takes place on Tuesday 19 December 2017 Talk to Pelé Ashley and Shurooq Azam, your student nominees
SPORTS AT HETSS First Year Rugby Under 15 Football Training Fridays 1:30pm-2:00pm A monthly tournament is scheduled Two great wins & some super performances from our first tournament in Skerries Rugby Club last month! Students born in 2003/2004 eligible Training Wednesdays 3:10pm-4:00pm Talk to Killian
DUNBOYNE AND DISTRICT OPEN CROSS COUNTRY Excellent running by Aaron Harman (2Corrib) who placed 3rd in the Junior Boys. Well done to all!
BADMINTON Tuesdays in PE Hall @ 4pm Bring PE Gear Any questions see Callum
Track and Field Training every Thursday at lunch time (Bring a pair of runners!) Field Events: Hammer Throw, Shot Putt, Discus, Long Jump, Triple Jump & High Jump Track Events: Sprints, Middle Distance, Hurdles, Relay All welcome to give it a try!
THE DEBATE CLUB Mondays in Room 0.10 Starts 1:30pm Show until 9/11/2017
Creative Writing Club Book Club Open to all Junior Cycle students Tuesdays 1:35-2:00pm Room 0.5 Bring your lunch Writing prompts provided, relaxed atmosphere Open to all Junior Cycle students Thursdays 1:35-2:00pm Room 0.5 Bring your lunch Our book is: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
Hansfield ETSS Green-Schools Committee New and old members welcome! Why join? Get involved in a school committee Care for the environment Help get HETSS 1st GREEN FLAG! Committee Meeting Wednesdays 1:45pm Room 1.12
NEW FOR 2018!! Informal Irish group meeting Thursdays in 0.2 – 1:35pm-2:00pm Starting 11 January 2018. Great opportunity for anyone interested in practicing their spoken Irish or anyone who enjoys a good chat as Gaeilge! Feicfidh mé thú ansin!!
To all the First Year students and their fabulous tutors! Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. From Hayley La la la la ... I'm wishing on a star And trying to believe That even though it's far He'll find me at Christmas Eve I guess Santa is busy Cause he never comes around I think of him when Christmas comes to town The best time of the year When everyone comes home With all this Christmas tear It's hard to be alone Putting up the Christmas tree With friends you come around It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town Presents for the children wrapped in red and green All the things I've heard about, but never really see No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve Hoping Santa's on his way “我向星星许愿,并坚持相信,圣诞老人确实存在。我想,他一定很忙,不然不会不来看我。圣诞来临时,我总会想到圣诞老人,那是一年中最好的时光,所有的人都回家团聚,朋友们聚在一起竖起圣诞树。平安夜里,没有人睡觉,大家都翘首盼望圣诞老人的降临。他驾着的雪橇铃声响起,我听到了,四周全是鹿铃声……” When Santa's sleigh bells ring I listen all around The herald angels sing I never hear a sound And all the dreams of children Once lies will all be found That's all I want when Christmas comes to town
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of the Second Years Enjoy your break – Be kind to each other and your families – Stay safe Best wishes from Ciara and all of your tutors
Message from Seán, Year Head to 5th Years Dear students of Hansfield ETSS, Thanks to everyone for your efforts so far in school this year. Some efforts have been big, some efforts have been small, but all are appreciated. Not everyone will always see the good/kind/decent things you do for people, but the important thing is that you keep doing the decent thing - because it is the right thing to do. Saying hi to someone could help them feel like they're not alone. Happy Christmas. Keep well & keep safe. Seán
Message from Bernie Judge, Principal Greetings and good wishes as you get ready for a much deserved rest from Friday. There has been some great highlights, a good number of laughs and thankfully not much upset or tears during the term. Well done and a big thank you to everyone for their efforts. This week is another really busy week ahead with lots of action such as the Enterprise Fair, out of school trips and a Talent Show during which there will be some prizes and treats. So hang on in there and enjoy the last few days of term and in the spirit of Hansfield ETSS be especially kind and helpful to each other. Bernie