Words I can look at and read quickly Sight Word Fluency Words I can look at and read quickly
Sight Word Fluency Directions The child will read aloud as many sight words possible in one minute. The parent will track the time using a sand timer. The parent holds up a card and the child reads all the words on the card. If the child reads all the words on the card correctly, the parent will place the card in the “Yes” pile. If the child reads a word incorrectly the parent places the card in the “No” pile. At the end of one minute, the child and the parent count the number of words the child read and graph the number of words read on the sight word graph.
Reading Fluency Sight Words The ability to read with speed, accuracy, and prosody (expression). Sight Words Words that one can look at and read quickly.
above across address ago air airplane almost also ant awake bad bake banana bath beans began bend beside between bill
bit blow bone born bottom bowl brave breakfast brick broke broken brought bug Building built busy button camp cap care careful
case cause center chimney chin city clock cloud cook cool enough even eye family feather feel felt few field fight
kitten knew knife knock lake land lap large late lead leaf learn leave leaves led left lift line listen lost
nine nothing number outside page pail Path pay peas Pen sea seat seem seen send than thin thought through throw
queen question quick quiet radio remember rich river rock roof week west wheel while whisper wonder wool world yard yet
4th grade Sight Word List