Wayne Williams Colorado’s 38th Secretary of State.
MAINTAINING ACCURATE VOTING LISTS Voter list maintenance required by NVRA Proper list maintenance increases voter confidence and participation Failure to maintain accurate lists leads to: Ineligible voters More voters than residents Multiple registrations Multiple voting Adverse publicity Loss of confidence in integrity Decreased voter participation
COLORADO: REMOVING DEAD VOTERS Counties cancel a voter’s record upon receiving information that the voter has died. Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment provides the Secretary of State with a monthly list of people who died. --But this misses individuals who die outside Colorado. Through ERIC, Colorado added Social Security Death Index (“SSDI”), which captures individuals who died elsewhere TV investigation found ballots cast by several deceased. voters in last decade when only state list used -- all had been removed prior to report based on added use of SSDI.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS WITH OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES POST OFFICE: Under 2013 and 2016 laws, Colorado proactively updates voter’s registration information based on information in the National Change of Address database (NCOA). DRIVER’S LICENSE: Under law adopted in 2015, The Secretary of State receives a nightly file from the Colorado Department of Revenue showing all people who either received a new driver’s license or updated their current name or address information. STILL NEEDED: Change of address information with jury summons responses.
CANCELING DUE TO A FELONY SENTENCE Counties must cancel registration records of voters who are currently serving sentences of incarceration or parole for a felony conviction. Each month the Colorado Department of Corrections and Sheriffs submits a list of people currently incarcerated or on parole for felony convictions. The Colorado U.S. Attorney’s office sends the Secretary quarterly notices of individuals who have been convicted of a felony. Our office makes this information available in SCORE and counties cancel based on minimum matching criteria.
CITIZENSHIP REVIEW The Secretary of State works with the Colorado Department of Revenue’s driver’s license office to identify potential non-citizens. We receive a bi-weekly (daily during election period) file of all license-holders who provided non-citizen documentation when applying for a driver’s license. We compare that file with SCORE to identify matches, and use the ferderal SAVE database to conduct further research. We reach out to any potential non-citizen who is registered and ask that they confirm their citizenship or withdraw their registration. We also send the information to the counties so they can take appropriate action.
HOW COLORADANS VOTE Mail Ballot Voters can mail in their ballot or drop their ballot in a dropbox. In-Person Early in-person voting stations are available as well as same day in-person voting. UOCAVA Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act. Allows overseas citizens voting rights.
registered to vote. Highest Percentage in America! voted by mail. 3,840,159 citizens registered to vote. Highest Percentage in America! 2,644,717 voters voted by mail. 74.5% Turnout for registered voters. Fourth Highest in America in 2016.
BIPARTISAN ELECTION JUDGES + ONSITE SECURITY Major parties entitled by law to select election judges. All election functions performed by bipartisan teams of election judges. --Parties may appoint additional watchers All election areas are secured. --Locked --Entry logs --Video record of major functions 24/7 Ballot Drop Boxes are video monitored
SIGNATURE VERIFICATION Each signature on the back of a voter’s ballot-return envelope is compared to that voter’s signature saved in the state database. A bipartisan team of judges reviews questionable signatures and rejects the signature if both agree it does not match. If a problem exists, the voter is notified and given until 8 days after the election to cure.
16,209 ballots 2,606 ballots 2,593 ballots had signatures that weren’t verified. 2,606 ballots weren’t signed at all. 2,593 ballots weren‘t counted because the voter failed to verify identification.
SELECTION OF VOTING SYSTEM Went through a public panel review and live pilot in a real election – November 2015. Colorado had been evaluating uniform systems for three years. Not connected to the internet. Prints a paper ballot – even for touch screens.
ELECTION SECURITY Work collaboratively with federal, state, and local government groups to protect and defend our systems from identified types of attacks. Use real-time network monitoring between the voter registration system and multiple county networks. Communicate with upstream internet service providers to ensure DDoS attacks are detected and mitigated. Work with counties and the state to create a “fusion center” for real-time monitoring and response capability. This includes assistance with non-elections matters affecting clerks. Continue our cybersecurity awareness program with county elections and technical resources with an elevated level of emphasis.
ELECTION SECURITY Bi-partisan team of election judges test election equipment in every county. Rolling out Risk-Limiting Audits (RLA) so that we can transparently provide citizens with scientific evidence that the outcomes of our elections correctly reflect the votes that were cast. After votes are counted, the only people with access to tabulations are bi-partisan elections officials and judges who have passed a Colorado Bureau of Investigations background check. Machines are not connected to the internet. (Did I mention this?)
CONSISTENT TRANSPARENCY Public logic and accuracy test Post-election audit Open election records Data available online through ACE: Accountability in Colorado Elections Additional information available at or via e-mail at
CONTACT ME Office: (303) 860-6970 Cell: (719) 439-1870 E-mail: Wayne.Williams@SOS.State.CO.US