Reception Phonics & Reading
What is Phonics? Children begin to learn phonics (sounds) in Early Years. Once children begin learning sounds, they use this knowledge to read and spell words. Children use the first set of sounds (Set 1) to blend and read simple CVC words (consonant, vowel, consonant) e.g. sat, pin. Children then develop segmenting for writing skills; breaking the word into sounds to spell it out.
Phonics at St Edmund’s At St Edmund’s we use a scheme called ‘Read Write inc.’ to teach Phonics. This starts when children are ready in Nursery and the children move through the programme until they are ready to ‘complete’. Children usually ‘complete’ at the end of Year 1 or the start of Year 2. Some children remain on RWI through Year 2 and into KS2.
What does Phonics look like in Reception? The children placed into different Read Write Inc groups depending on their phonic ability. Your child maybe taught in the Reception/Y1 classroom, a KS1 classroom or another area around school. All groups are small. Groups are reviewed and rotated each half term. Children focus on letter sounds, handwriting and reading. All children during RWI sessions are active participants!
Phonics Set 1 Sounds One sound is taught a day! Some children grasp the sounds quickly and move on. Some children revisit sounds that they are struggling to grasp. We are very responsive to the needs of all children.
Talk though a session – briefly. How the cards work Talk though a session – briefly! How the cards work. Show them the ones they have to take home.
One sound is taught a day! Phonics Set 2 Sounds When children are ready we move them onto set 2 sounds. This usually happens in KS1. One sound is taught a day!
Talk through set 2 difference
Phonics/ RWI language Blending Segmenting Fred Talk Green words Red words
Phonics – Reading When children are ready and can blend word independently with Set 1 sounds we move them onto matching books. The first set of books are called ‘Ditties’. The children then move up through RWI and different coloured books. We can then explain a ditty and show the parents a ditty.
Pure Sounds It is important that ‘pure sounds’ are taught to children. To help your child use ‘pure sounds’ at home. Let’s watch the Set 1 Pure Sounds. You can access this link via our website.
Reading at Home Choose quite time Set aside roughly ten minutes with no distractions. Make reading enjoyable Make it a lovely experience, if your child loses interest then do something else. Do not pressurise he or she if they are reluctant. Be positive and maintain the flow and be positive If your child mispronounces a word do not interrupt immediately. Allow your child time to self correct. Regular practice Little and often is the best. Talk about the books It is just as important to understand the text that they have read as well as read words. Can you add a little about the home/school reading routine & expectations?
Resources to take home!
If you have any questions please ask us before you leave. Thank you for coming! If you have any questions please ask us before you leave.