Reflective Practice & Supervised Teaching Experience PC1004 The Principles of Reflective Practice (Semester 1) PC3012 Developing Reflective Practice (Semester 2)
Teacher as ‘reflective practitioner’: an introduction By the end of this session students will be able to: Identify key components of the module Discuss reflective processes Define ‘reflection’ and ‘reflective practice’ in context of teaching
The Package Semester 2 Semester 1 6 hours observation of peers/colleagues 80 hours teaching 3 assessed sessions Portfolio Semester 1 6 hours observation of peers/colleagues 40 hours teaching 3 assessed sessions Portfolio
STE Essential Items Conduct Dress code Professional standards Time-keeping Absence Providing teaching cover Time spent at your placement Conduct and Practicalities · Dress code – be led by colleagues initially dress smarter then follow the lead of colleagues · Familiarise yourself with FENTOs professional standards (section g) – this is the criteria by which you will be measured (it appears in the back of the developmental review booklet) · Ensure that you are punctual and reliable · Find out what the procedures are should you need to call in sick · Issue of cover – what is reasonable? Some flexibility, but generally you shouldn’t have to cover without reasonable notice · You are expected to do at least 4 full sessions in college, you should not turn up only for teaching hours but do the equivalent of 2 full teaching days i.e. 9-5 equivalent · Find out where you get your ID card from · Can you get a car parking ticket · How do you arrange parking for your University tutor · What designated staff areas are available to you – canteen, work-room
STE Essential Items Practicalities ID card Car Parking Arranging assessed visits Staff facilities
STE Essential Items Resources Photocopying White board pens/paper Audio-visual & specialist equipment ICT support Resources You should check out · Process for getting resources copied – you are teaching classes so are entitled to copying at the colleges expense you should NOT have to pay for copying for classroom activities · Where to get white board pens or in some cases chalk · How do you book out audio-visual equipment etc. · ITC support
Structures, policies, practice STE Essential Items Structures, policies, practice Policies Student charter Pastoral system Student absence Lateness Structures, policies, practice · Locate policies for Equal Opps, Health and Safety · Student charter – outlines what expectations students can reasonably have of staff, also codes of conduct, i.e. behaviour, for students · Pastoral system – how do you raise a cause for concern about a student, how are student supported and counselled academically and personally · How does the college deal with student absence, lateness
STE Essential Items Enhancement Trips and excursions Extra-curricular YOUR CONTRIBUTION - ENRICHING YOUR DEPARTMENT Enhancement · What is the process for staff wanting to organise trips and excursions · What extra-curricular activities might you get involved in i.e. coaching football/netball team Duke of Edinburgh scheme, prodcutions · IDENTIFY WAYS IN WHICH YOU CAN ENRICH THE DEPARTMENT – resources, ideas etc.
Assessed Sessions PC1004 Semester 1 Visit 1 - Developmental Observation (University STE tutor) You cannot fail the first observation! Purpose of visit is to establish a starting point for development Through discussion and negotiation you will establish action points for review at next visit Visit 2 Review and Subject Audit (Placement mentor) Pass/fail Review action plan Audit subject specific knowledge Visit 3 - ‘Standards Visit’ Joint observation (STE tutor & Placement mentor) Review previous action plans Review subject audit
CAUSE FOR CONCERN/AT RISK PROCEDURE MAY BE RAISED AT ANY POINT Assessed Sessions PC3012 Semester 2 Visit 4 -Review and Subject Audit (Placement mentor) Pass/fail Review action plan Audit subject specific knowledge Visit 5 – Review (STE tutor) Visit 6 - ‘Standards Visit’ Joint observation and critical conversation (STE tutor & Placement mentor) Review previous action plans Review subject audit Professional Report CAUSE FOR CONCERN/AT RISK PROCEDURE MAY BE RAISED AT ANY POINT
Portfolio Semester 1 – PC1004 Deadlines stated within the module guide Record of learning encounters Personal and professional development Reflective review of practice Planning and evaluating learning About the institution and a learner Professional report on your practice and conduct and subject check by TM – written report from Teaching Mentor
Portfolio Semester 2 – PC3012 Record of learning encounters Continuing personal and professional development Reflective review of practice Planning and evaluating learning About the institution and support for learners Assessment of learning Professional report on your practice and conduct and subject check by TM – written report from Teaching Mentor
What is Reflective Practice? Reflection is a form of response of the learner to experience (Boud et al 1985) Aspects of reflective practice can include: Reflecting on “know how” and “know what” (Technical reflection) Reflecting on “what ought I to do?” (Practical reflection) Reflecting on the self (Critical Reflection) (James 1995)
Am I reflecting yet? How am I approaching my learning? How will that affect the way I approach my teaching? Can I change things? Do I want to? How can I tell if my students are reflecting as well?
Review of learning outcomes: Conclusions Review of learning outcomes: Identify key components of the module Discuss reflective processes Define ‘reflection’ and ‘reflective practice’ in context of teaching