Programme Review Dhaya Naidoo Director: Quality Promotion Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_DN
Programme Review Express our gratitude for your willingness to participate in this developmental exercise Purpose is to build capacity within the institution to critically engage with our practice Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_DN
Workshop Outcomes Orientate programme review committees to programme review process Programme review in the institutional and national contexts Roles and responsibilities Programme review manual Portfolio analysis Conducting site visits Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_DN
Quality Definitions Excellence Fitness of and for purpose, Value for money Transformation (i.e. developing the capabilities of individual learners for personal enrichment as well as the requirements for social development and economic and employment growth). Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_DN
Quality Management Quality assurance: the policies, systems, strategies and resources used by the programme to satisfy itself that its quality requirements and standards are being met. Quality support: the policies, systems, strategies and resources used by the programme to support and sustain existing levels of quality. Quality development and enhancement: the policies, systems, strategies and resources used by the programme to develop and enhance quality. Quality monitoring - the policies, systems, strategies and resources used by the programme to review, monitor and act on quality issues. (Adapted from HEQC Training Material) Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_DN
Programme Review Purpose The purpose of a programme review is to make judgements about the value or worth of an academic programme within the local, regional, national and international contexts. It signals where the academic programme is in its developmental trajectory Clearly articulates self-improvement plans with measurable targets within specified timeframes Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_DN
Programme Review Purpose Premised upon a reflective, diagnostic, and continuous improvement attitude It requires a programme group to make self-judgements regarding all their teaching and learning, research and community service activities in a critical but constructive manner Signals their intentions to remedy any identified weaknesses and improve practices. Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_DN
Reflective Practitioners Programme Review Our Approach Why do we do what we do? (Do we have a comprehensive understanding of what we are, or supposed to be, doing?) Why do we do it in a particular way? (Do we do the right things in the right way?) How well are we doing it? How do we know how well we are doing? What can we do better? (Do we really achieve what we set out to do?) Reflective Practitioners Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_ DN_ Framework Presentations_ 2004/09/13
Roles and Responsibilities Directorate of Quality Promotion Develops self-assessment in instruments Orientates and supports programme groups Workshops the instrument and the review process Coordinates the programme review Programme Group Conducts a self-assessment of their programme using the TUT instrument Develops a descriptive and analytical portfolio Develops and implements a programme improvement plan Programme Review Committee Critically analyses the portfolio Conducts a site visit and interview staff and students to validate and triangulate portfolio claims Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_DN
Programme Review Process Programme group conducts self-evaluation Programme develops a critical portfolio Programme review committee critically analyses the portfolio Programme review committee conducts site visits and interview staff and students Programme review committee writes a report based on the portfolio review and interview Report and portfolio submitted to Dean, DVC: Academic Programme group submits programme implementation plan to Dean, DVC and DQP DQP monitors implementation and writes follow up report Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_DN
Programme Review Approach Model is loosely based on the South African Excellence Model. The framework takes into account the HEQC framework and criteria for programme accreditation, but does not follow it exclusively. Programme review is a natural activity within our concept of quality and our quality management system Demonstrate through this process that none of our programmes are of questionable quality, and that we have effective and efficient internal programme quality assurance mechanisms in place. Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_DN
Programme Review Framework Input Process Output and Impact Review Enablers Results Leadership Customer & Market Focus Teaching & Learning Process Student Performance Business Results Policy & Strategy Research Output People Management Customer satisfaction 5. Resource & Information Management People Satisfaction Partnership performance Impact on society Continuous Improvement Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_ DN_
Inputs 1. Leadership Fitness for and of purpose Vision, mission, strategic goals Management and Planning Improvement mechanisms Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_ DN_ Framework Presentations_ 2004/09/13
Inputs 2. Policy & Strategy Teaching & Learning strategy Policies & procedures Teaching and Learning Student Assessment Post Graduate Research Community Service NSSP Programme Coordination/ Administrative Services Compliance Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_ DN_ Framework Presentations_ 2004/09/13
Inputs 3. Customer & Market Focus 4. People management Student recruitment, selection, access Student academic development Relevance Programme design Administration 4. People management Staff recruitment, development, maintenance, Equity Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_ DN_ Framework Presentations_ 2004/09/13
Inputs 5. Resource & Information Management Library Computer provision Classrooms Laboratories Equipment Study guides MIS Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_ DN_ Framework Presentations_ 2004/09/13
Process 6. Teaching & Learning Process Facilitation in different modes & methodology Assessment in different modes & methodology Research Postgraduate studies Work integrated learning Community service Short courses Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_ DN_ Framework Presentations_ 2004/09/13
Outputs 7. Student Performance Pass, throughput & retention rates Post-graduate performance Related short course successes Equity of outcomes / representivity Integrity of Certification Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_ DN_ Framework Presentations_ 2004/09/13
Outputs 8. Research Output 9. Customer satisfaction Post-grad degrees Papers, artifacts, patents 9. Customer satisfaction Student satisfaction Employer satisfaction Employment Data Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_ DN_ Framework Presentations_ 2004/09/13
Outputs 10. People Satisfaction 11. Partnership performance Staff satisfaction 11. Partnership performance 12. Impact on society Community service rendered Use of research Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_ DN_ Framework Presentations_ 2004/09/13
Impact and Review 13. Business Results Attainment of Outcomes Curriculum Alignment Stakeholder Feedback Self-Assessment Reports (examination reports, quality reviews/audits) Improvement achieved Improvement recommended Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_ DN_ Framework Presentations_ 2004/09/13
Programme Review Leadership ELEMENT / FOCUS AREA EVALUATIVE QUESTIONS SUPPORTING EVIDENCE 1.2. Vision, mission and strategic goals (Fitness of Purpose) How do the qualification and its learning programme (purpose, rationale, outcomes, and curriculum) responds to national, regional and local employment and socio-cultural needs (fitness of purpose)? Needs analysis, feedback from industry/advisory boards. Reference to national policies in programme planning. How does the programme address transformational issues including equity of access and equity of outcomes? Admissions policy and student development plan Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_ DN_
Programme Review: Conclusion Programme review is an iterative process. Integral part of the quality improvement cycle Foundation of the institutional audit and programme accreditation processes Reflective, developmental and accountable purposes. Directorate of Quality Promotion QP_DN