Comment Tree Use a yellow tag and place it on a branch if you would like to ask a question privately or access further advice/support following today (please leave contact details and subject so we can direct you appropriately) Use a post it note and place it on the tree if you have an idea or would be interested in supporting future initiatives to engage/consult with people on mental health (ie. service user group/forum/chat group/events/surveys) Please leave your contact details if you want to get involved
EMOTIONAL HEALTH, WELLBEING AND HAPPINESS SERVICE Dr Mona Mahfouz GP clinical lead for Mental Health Trish Taylor Senior Commissioning Manager for Mental Health
What is the Dudley adult mental health needs assessment? Partnership work between Dudley CCG and Dudley Council Office of Public Health. Looks at the mental health needs of the whole adult population of Dudley, not a single group or individual. Looks at needs from lots of different angles, including data, public views and partner organisations’ views.
How does this Healthcare Forum fit in? Part of the CCG’s ongoing public engagement work. To listen to your opinions and learn from your experiences. To help understand what Dudley residents think about what works well for people with mental health problems, and what could work better. Summary of tonight’s discussions will form part of the needs assessment.
Thank you for attending today Please take time to complete a survey Paper copies are available or online;