Directory Enabled AuthN/Z at Clemson Jill Gemmill Barry Johnson Directory Enabled AuthN/Z at Clemson LDAP yesterday, Shibboleth tomorrow
Early adopters of Directories Since mid 1990’s Event-driven provisioning into/from directory Developers of DirXML (Novell Identity Manager) Use of Blackboard as GUI for collaborative spaces
Clemson myCLE
Auto-provisioned Tools per VO Address Book Blog Tool Calendar Drop Box EDU Assessment Tool Glossary HomePage My Files mySQL Database Organization Portfolio Search Survey Tool Tasks Wiki General Web Space -Etc!
So, why Shibboleth? Placing attributes and also Access Control Roles in Directory became cumbersome to enforce correctly for each application Had come to conclusion that attribute based access control was needed, and Shibboleth appeared to be best solution available.
Shibboleth today at Clemson Production Shibboleth IdP In use for a few applications, including a GridShib CA for use in Open Science Grid Plans in place to migrate current applications to Shibboleth Service Providers State-wide consortium : Health Sciences South Carolina
Health Sciences South Carolina
HSSC Shibboleth Working Group Clemson University Greenville Hospital System University Medical Center Palmetto Health Medical University of South Carolina University of South Carolina Spartanburg Regional Health Care System
Grids Today at Clemson Condor Pool : A campus grid linking over 1700 machines distributed across 27 locations on campus providing a high throughput computing resource for all faculty and students in need of a loosely coupled computer system to run thousands of jobs. Applications from civil engineering, economics and chemistry have already benefited.
Grids and Shibboleth…Coming Soon Access to HPC/HTC resources will be authorized using Shibboleth, consistent with other campus applications Collaboration environments such as myVocs, Sharpe will be used as guides to revising Clemson’s existing access control and provisioning systems.