Script Theory R. Shanks Script Theory Example: (Roger Shank) Script Theory Example: Schemata for generalized episodes are "scripts." Scripts allow the learner to make inferences about situations by filling in missing information. Thus, understanding is developed by a blend of experiential observations and inferences made from previous experiences stored in memory. According to Roger, the only way we learn is through "doing," and failure. Failure gets our attention; it fosters an emotional response, which is essential for learning. “ (Roger Shank’s script) A Brief Explanation A script is a mental construct like schema, which consists of a sequence of actions or events necessary to achieve a goal. It can also include relevant people, locations or objects. Shank developed the concept of computer scripts (a.k.a schemas) resulting in a co-authored book with Robert Abelson titled, Scripts, Plans, Goals and Understanding: An Inquiry Into Human Knowledge Structures. Shank’s transferred the understanding of computer scripts to human knowledge (Shanks, 2009) Interactive Focus Active The Four Types of Scripts Episodic - managing situations and events Instrumental - using and displaying procedural knowledge Personal - representing one's own goals and plans Definitional object recognition Key Theorist: Roger Shank A leading visionary in artificial intelligence, learning theory, cognitive sciences and building of virtual learning environments Developed the contextual dependency theory and script theory Professor Emeritus at Northwestern University and CEO of Socratic Arts Developed XTOL (experiential teaching on line.)
Strengths of Script Theory Criticisms of Script Theory Leverages a sequence of events from the learner’s point of view to engage the learner’s schema. Enables a clear framework for human knowledge processing. Criticisms of Script Theory Script theory lacks research and evidence of its success in more complex learning situations. Script theory does not explain how scripts are created. (Learning theories) References: Learning theories. (n.d.). Retrieved from Roger shanks script theory. (n.d.). Retrieved from Theories of Learning in Educational Psychology Script theory (r. schank). (n.d.). Retrieved from Shanks, R. (2009). Roger shanks thinking. Retrieved from Shanks, R. (Photographer). (2009). Roger Shanks [Web Photo]. Retrieved from Websites Books by Roger Shanks Teaching Minds: How Cognitive Science Can Save Our Schools Lessons in Learning, e-Learning, and Training: Perspectives and Guidance for the Enlightened Trainer Tell Me A Story: Narrative and Intelligence Engines for Education