Introduction to the Fishtank
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ENGR 121 Fishtank Project Construct a working “fishtank” Arduino microcontroller is used to measure and control the temperature and salinity of a small volume of water Involves fabrication, circuitry, programming, and system control Project Assessments: Temperature Control Check Conductivity Control Check/Final System Testing Fishtank Group Presentation
Fabrication A wooden platform onto which individual components are attached A small reservoir containing salt water with a target salinity Fresh water and salty water reservoirs A waterproofed thermistor for sensing temperature A conductivity sensor
Non-fabricated Components An Arduino microcontroller Two solenoid valves A resistive heating element Transistor / relay circuits to power the solenoid valves and heater A centrifugal pump An external power supply to power the system
System Overview The system will: Turn heater on when temperature is below a certain value Turn heater off when temperature is above a certain value Add salty water when salinity is below a certain value Add deionized water when salinity is above a certain value The result of fabrication, assembly, calibration, and programming activities is an autonomous system that senses and controls salinity and temperature. HEATER