5th Coordination Meeting Agenda ERASMUS+ KA2 PROJECT: Enhancement of study programs in Public Health Law, Health Management, Health Economics and Health Informatics in Montenegro 5th Coordination Meeting Agenda 20 th October 2017 Hotel Hilton Project web site: www.ph-elim.net
Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro Education in the field of Medicine in Montenegro - challenges and perspectives - Prof. Dr Olivera Miljanović Prof. Dr Miroslav Radunović
Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro The role of the UCG Medical Faculty in raising the level of health care of our citizens, as well as promoting the humanitarian, bioethical and scientific principles of medical practice
Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro The history 1881 Dr Milan Jovanović Batut 1967 The iniciative and elaborat Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro – founded 1997 41 students Bolonja high education process - 2004
Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro Faculty of Medicine
Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro Study programes Academic - Medicine - 1997 Academic - Dentistry - 2006 Academic - Pharmacy - 2008 Applied - High Medical Care School – 2005 Applied - Physiotherapy - 1976
Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro Postgraduate Applied Study Programes Applied Physiotherapy - 2006/07 specistic study High Medical Care School – 2014/15 specistic study 2017/18: Educational reform in accordance with EU Directive 2005/36/EU & 2013/55/EU
Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro Undergraduate and graduate – integrated academic studies Medicine: 6-year integrated programme (12 semesters – 360 ECTS). Professional Degree: Medical Doctor Dentistry: 6-year programme (12 semesters – 360 ECTS). Professional Degree: Doctor of Medical Dentistry (Doctor of Stomatology) Pharmacy: 5-year programme (10 semesters – 300 ECTS). Professional Degree: Doctor of Pharmacy
Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro Undergraduate and specialistic/master applied studies Applied Physiotherapy: basic study 3 years (6 semesters 180 ECTS) and additional 1 year of specialized studies (2 semesters 60 ECTS) Professional Degree: Bachelor - Specialist in Physiotherapy High Medical Care School: Basic 3-years study (6 semesters 180 ECTS). Professional Degree: Bachelor's degree of a Senior Medical Nurse and additional 1 year of specialized studies in patient care (2 semesters 60 ECTS) From 2020 Master's degree
Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro Postgraduate studies PhD studies in the fields of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy - 3 years (6 semesters) Academic degree: PhD in Medical Science PhD in Science of Dentistry PhD in Pharmacy Science
Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro Specializations Rulebook on specializations 2004 Radiology 2006 (32 specialists + 26 rezidents) Familly medicine 2012 (10 specialists + 36 rezidents)
Medical faculty today 1600 students, 56 teachers, 252 assistants Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro Medical faculty today 1600 students, 56 teachers, 252 assistants
Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro BECHELORS: Medicine 481 Dentistry - 71 Pharmacy – 190 Applied physiotherapy – 1269 + 318 High Medical Care School – 368 + 71
PhD studies 15 MSc, 8 PhD, 18 doctoral research Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro PhD studies 15 MSc, 8 PhD, 18 doctoral research
Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro Scientific - research activities Medical faculty Cresearch Center National and international research projects period: 2012-2016 – 15 national research projects 145 articles in SCI/SCIE list scientific journals
Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro Students Priority : Collaboration with students Supporting UCG student organizations' actions in order to improve the organization of teaching and student status Faculty Council - 16 students MOMSIC - the national branch of the World Medical Students Association International Students Exchange - over 600 students March 2017 - World Medical Students Congress - 1,200 participants
Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro Education in Public Health Incorporated in all study programmes Separate public health subjests: Epidemiology, Social medicine, Public Health, Health promotion... Incorporated into various clinical subjects
Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro The possition Faculty of Medicine UCG in PH-ELIM project Expertise and experience in higher education - leading position in the field of medicine Participate in comprehensive analyses of current situation and practice in public health Identification of training needs in the field of medicine and participation at all training events Participation in enhancing connections and visibility to international public health community Participation in curricula development and creation of training and learning materials
Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro The possition Faculty of Medicine UCG in PH-ELIM project Advisory support in establishing National Platform for education and training in public health Preparation of materials for implementation of new/updated courses and curricula at least at the Faculty of Medicine at all levels In collaboration with UDG and other national authorities, establishing the National Centre for Public Health Education Conducting evaluation procedures during and after lectures in new/innovated courses Raising awareness campaigns in health prevention and public health promotionIn in close collaboration with The Institute of Public Health and other ME institutions.
Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro PERSPECTIVE Improving the quality control of teaching Developing quality control indicators and ongoing monitoring of teaching process Special attention – monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes for each subject Developing the plans and programes for each specializations in the field of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy Organisation of specializations training programes, based on professional resources and health care system needs Publishing activities
Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro PERSPEKTIVE Improvment of scientific research work Strengthening Personnel Potential in the Research Center Establishing an administrative database for scientific project management: preparation, application, development, monitoring. International collaboration in science and research Mobility of students and teachers Investments in research laboratory infrastructure anf equipment
Medical Faculty of University of Montenegro "If, at the end of the time interval, for which results are summarized, there are not worse than at the beginning, efforts and work can be considered successful"