Español I Mr. Miga Teacher Website: Sign in at one of the sheets Sit where you would like! Teacher Website: Español I Mr. Miga Contact info: (preferred) 734-744-2650 ext. 73014
Personal Information Education: High School Diploma: Stevenson High School, Livonia, MI Bachelor of Arts, Spanish and English Education: Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI Master of Arts, Spanish Philology: St. Louis University, Madrid, España
Personal Information Study-Abroad Experience: Denia, Spain: January - May, 2003 Madrid, Spain: summers 2008-2012 Travel Experience: Assisted in two summer trips for students (Summer 2012, 2014) Image: José María Cuellar, Flickr
Spanish I Curriculum Guided by national and state standards Primary text: Humbach, Nancy, Sylvia Madrigal Velasco, Stuart Smith and John McMinn. Exprésate, Level 1. 1st ed. Austin: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2006. Class set of texts If need text, student needs to see me
Course Content and Objectives By the end of the year, students will be able to: •Write and talk using memorized Spanish phrases (mostly about self and in the present). •Listen and read for some basic comprehension in Spanish •Explain some basic facts about Spain, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Texas, Costa Rica, Chile
General outline: First quarter: Introducing someone, Inviting Second quarter: Likes/Dislikes, Descriptions Third quarter: School, home Fourth quarter: Families, food
How will my child be assessed? Students are assessed in the same way they learn the language…. through application of the vocabulary and grammar in real-life situations in the new language. A district-wide, multiple-choice final exam will be administered.
Grading: Grades based on assessments Practice will be reported in grade book but will be worth 0% of grade No penalty for practicing and learning from your mistakes Failure to complete all assessments may result in a grade of incomplete
Grading Levels 4: Mastery = Student can use and/or transfer knowledge to solve problems 3: Proficient = Student consistently demonstrates knowledge 2: Developing Proficiency = Student may demonstrate knowledge, but not consistently 1: Not yet proficient= Student did not complete assessment OR there is minimal evidence student demonstrates knowledge
Homework Practice will happen frequently in class and at home These will still be reported in Parent Portal and Student Portal, but will be worth 0% of the grade. 0 / 5 Completing homework and in class practices is still expected and will help student recognize strengths and weaknesses as well as helping student to retain the information for the long term.
Homework Failure to complete homework three times will result in an hour-long after-school detention.
Redo’s Any student is allowed to redo an assessment Redone assessment grades will REPLACE previous assessment grade, for better or for worse Student will have choice of which part to redo (portions or all)
To Qualify for Redo Student must have completed all homework and classwork Complete an action plan approved by teacher prior to retake Action plan must include some extra level of work to help student prepare (watched YouTube videos, made flash cards and studied frequently, extra help from teacher or tutor, etc.) Provide proof of completion of action plan on day of retake
Attendance and make-up work: I follow Livonia Public Schools’ policy regarding attendance It is student’s responsibility to request make-up work. Missed assessments and other assignments must be made up after school in timely fashion.
Extra help/Extra credit: I am available for extra help; please make an appointment to see me after school. Don’t wait if you are confused…come see me! NO extra credit offered Grades updated typically Friday or Monday for previous week Calendar on website with major assessments
How can I help my child increase and maintain his/her proficiency? Have your child read aloud to you in the new language Encourage them to teach you and family members their new language on a daily/weekly basis Let them watch a movie or TV show (Telenovela, international news) in the target language
How can I help my child increase and maintain his/her proficiency? Let them use YouTube for authentic videos of songs and news (with caution about some content) Use internet to do virtual tours of cultural places Switch the electronic devices and applications to the target language i.e. video games, iTunes Encourage them to use phrases, new language with multi-lingual peers & neighbors Ensure your student studies frequently
Free Resources Quizlet Wordreference
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